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What do you think of Dr.Cole ?

Would you say he's the best around or there's better ?

Anyone has any idea about his price ?

I don't understand how guys who live in the UK, have surgeries in the US. Is it like you travel for consultation first and then travel again for the actual procedure or you stay there for long time ?! Can someone explain please

Mr. 4000

Cole does a great job advertising

that doesn't mean he is a great doctor, it doesn't mean he is a bad one either

his staff hassled me for a long time for business, constantly calling and emailing

I didn't like that aspect of his business, and would never consider him for that reason

I would never use a doctor in the future that didn't stand behind their work 100% in a contract, never.


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Well, I don't hear about him much in forums like HRN and other forums ^^!

But I thought he was one of the first who implemented the FUE method and provided more knowledge into this field.


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You make a valid point, Ben.

I am now thinking to have the procedure with Dr.********. What do you guys think about him ?


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dudemon said:
skotya said:
He's booked 6 months in advance !!! That's sad news !!!

Yes - I consulted with them a few weeks ago, and they were already booked into September. I know it sucks man. I guess if you want the best, you have to wait your turn. By now, its probably October. :(

No waiting list ?? lol

I guess I will wait but how did you contact them ? online ? through a guy called Stephen ?


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dudemon said:
I know this is off the subject of Cole, Feriduni, and ********, but anybody know if Dr Arvind Poswal in India is good? He is known as "Dr A" Is he in the same class as Cole, Feriduni, or ********?

Ive heard a lot of good things about him, but I have read a few bad things too on HRN about Poswal. In fact, they removed his name from all posts that reference him because of some legal issue.

Poswal has MUCH lower prices than most other hair transplant drs which concerns me as to why. Anyone know what the deal is with Dr A?

I've never heard about him but chick this clinic out http://www.fue-hlc.com/

They are based on Turkey. Pics look good to me.

I will ask a stupid question :whistle: but how do you know if the pics in such websites are not fake or played with ???


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You will get butchers in every country .. I saw some of their results which look good. Also they use tools of 0.6-0.9 mm diameter and manual.