Dr. Feller 2512 FUT (UPDATE: 4 weeks post op)


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Hi Everyone,
I mentioned on a previous post how peculiar it is to finally revert from the passive researcher to the active contributor on this section of the forum. My hair loss began around the age of 24 by developing into a mature hair line which I was quite comfortable with and in line with my fathers cut as well.

Last summer I had a brief stint using anabolic steroids without any precautionary methods and as you can imagine spelt distaster for my hairline. It took me from a Norwood 2 to a Norwood 3 with some vertex loss , which was my fathers final hairline as well. I know, I know, stupid. Immediately I started taking Propecia with some side-effects for the first couple of months but soon after I was good as gold so others please consider sticking by your initial decision as this effects will subside.

Propecia really kicked in months 7 , observing a considerable amount of thickness and eliminating any rogue hairs I would find in the shower, thus alleviating all that stress that had developed while I was losing my hair and doing nothing about it. In addition, closing the slight verted thinning that began to appear. I have to add , I tried Minoxidil on my hairline only with poor results, somehow this chemical never seems to suit me and I still believe it did more harm than good.

As everything stabilized I could style my hair with no-one noticing any amount of hair loss; only couple of weeks before having my hair transplant a few people I was out drinking with commented on how great hair I have! I know, comical!!!

After much research and considering I live in New York , I visited Dr. Feller for the free consultation. He demeanor was very professional and exuded a depth of knowledge about him, which simply is down to the experience he has accumulated over the years coupled with the extremely positive comments all his past patients had to say.

The consultation ended and I was a broken man... It is funny how you trick your mind into believing all is not that bad and your hairline simply requires a touch-up. As such I expected no more than 1000 grafts but following Dr. Feller's assessment, I was on the books for to 2000-2200. Don't get me wrong, this was not a result of overselling but simply a casualty of my self-delusion, coupled obviously with the density capacity Dr. Feller could achieve.

As the day of the surgery approached I was getting cold feet and highly inclined to cancel the procedure, particularly as I had resorted on searching forums on FUT scar nightmares and their cosmetic outlook years on. It was very hard, it is very hard to know you will have an ear-to-ear scar... particularly as one day you may still lose what you have and resort to shaving your head thus revealing your scar.

The day before I was flying back to New York and one of the male stewards on the plane had a shaved a head and believe it or not, an FUT scar going from side to side. The omens where adding up and seriously affecting my judgment, however hand-on-heart , you couldn't even see it unless you knew what you were looking for.

Day arrives, meet Dr. Feller outside his office , wait until he is ready and then proceed to the the throne of hairline creations. I point out I don't want a perfect hairline , but feel more suited to the mature hairline I was sporting when I was younger. His response was "Show me" and so I did. This reply put me to such ease as I felt part of the control was delegated to me , hence I can chose what I felt most comfortable with and simply utilize Dr. Feller expertise to guarantee that outcome as practical, professional and what we all want, believable. Following 40-45 minutes of drawing he finally was happy with the outcome and so was I so we proceeded to patient room.

I met the staff , delightful as has all the experience thus far. Following some bandaging and a pop of Xanax I was taken inside for the injections. Bastards hurt , particularly on the left side. Following three sets I was taken inside for the strip removal. The process was clean, quick and didn't feel a thing. I guess the worst part of the experience was the cauterizing machine which makes a unique sound, clearly representative of its function, that of burning flesh.During this procedure Dr. Feller and all the staff are communicative and very pleasant to talk to so time seems to go by fast.

Now comes the time for Dr. Feller to create the graft positions. At this point he excuses himself from any talking as the following couple of hours he needs to concentrate on his profession. I gladly agree and let him continue. On completion the nurses come and begin inserting the grafts. No pain, but sitting in that chair for that amount of time was getting me. It felt as if I was stuck on plane with a broken tv screen and 4 hours of flight time ahead of me. I was getting fidgety and at some points I was feeling quite angry/upset. I believe this to an accumulation of all these people doing stuff to your head, while you are simply sitting there and not moving, particularly exacerbated as you can't tell if they are nearly close to finishing , half-way or simply at the beginning. Sitting there with no approximate for completion can be frustrating. I think this is purely down to the individual so please don't prepare yourself to feel this way as I am quite particular sometimes. At this point I requested to get up to stretch my legs and Dr. Feller inquired on my status at which point I mentioned the above and he recommended a further Xanax, which literally was exactly what I needed. I was calm and could continue with the operations.

Finally , the grafts were placed , however some were left-over so in comes Dr. Feller and begins to create new grafts positions, finally all recovered grafts from the strip where placed, thus an additional 150. My head was wrapped tight, I had my sandwich and following a quick conversation with Dr. Feller I was on my way. I was extremely happy to hear him say I was an ideal candidate for the transplant as my density and thickness of my donor area was way above par and should result in a great outcome. Note aside, whilst talking to him he mentioned that he turns away candidates that he feels do not meet his specifications or simply believes there wouldn't be a good cooperation, which in turn speaks volumes about the standards he aim to maintain.

First night- horrible. I expected it to be... sleeping upright, well barely sleeping , however I had some Vicodin to dull the pain which comes mostly from the strip part, however I could also feel a burning sensation in the recipient area. Finally, I am on day three, the recipient area looks clean with minimal crusting and can't wait for time to go by so I can realize a Feller hairline.

I hope I have covered much and this summary is a massive thank you for everyones contributions who allowed me to make a sound judgment according to my goals and eventually facilitated by Dr. Feller.

---------------- UPDATE Photos Included

http://i1233.photobucket.com/albums/ff3 ... G_0855.jpg

As you can see a classic case of the mohawk. My hairline in the middle reaches about a 1mm-2mm past the last graft. Unfortunately been left with an island of hair so I am probably going to go down to grade 4 once the staples are out

http://i1233.photobucket.com/albums/ff3 ... G_0858.jpg

You see the graft positioning. There is a mixture of native hair and from the donor site - all in all hopefully will turn out to be a dense hairline. Excuse the shininess as I have been putting Vitamin E oil.

Hopefully pre-op photos within the week.


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Re: Dr. Feller 2512 FUT

Nice write up, be good to see pre and post op pics.

I'm just over two years post op now with Dr Feller, and very happy with the results.

The injections are the most painful part of the op, that and sitting still...but now you have the doldrums, the waiting for results, this is the longest part, but for me around month 5,6,7,8 hair just got better and better, and that's a great feeling.


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Re: Dr. Feller 2512 FUT

Thanks Petchsky, I am waiting for spex to catch hold of this as he can usually use the pics Dr. Feller took.

At the moment I have a shaved front area (grafts) with hair in the back covering the staples. How did you even everything out? Did you shave the lot to a grade 3 or waited for the front part to grow out?

Last question,Petchsky if you remember , did you shower normally on day 3? It sais on his post op notes , Day 3-10 shower as usual instead of the shampoo patting.

Thanks again!


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Re: Dr. Feller 2512 FUT

I had a little tuft at the front with grafts round it, and looked like Phil Collins when he had a little line of hair upfront. I left it like that for 3 weeks then shaved it all to grade 4, although you could seethe line at the back from the scar, so I had to then wear a baseball cap everyday for two weeks.

Yeah, I showered normally on day 3, but I was very light in touching my grafts. I remember reading a study by Dr Bernstein who found that by day 4 the grafts were secure and could not easily be pulled out, although avoid pulling at any scabs.


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Re: Dr. Feller 2512 FUT (3 weeks in)

These photos are from 3 weeks post-op. Many of the grafts have shed and continue to fall.


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So, I couldn't handle the layer of hair that covered my newly inserted grafts, not only from an aesthetic perspective but simply the effect of anticipation it created to see sprouts of new hair along with the ultimate expectation for them and native to grow superbly fast to my normal length.

Took the clippers stuck the 3/8" comb and buzzed it all off. Honestly I wasn't sure what is considered grade 3 but I must have hit it bang on borderline for scar visibility. I don't believe you can see the scar per say, but simply the layer of missing hair following the surgery, or added missing strands due to shock loss.

The hair you see is native hair , although I may have hung on to a few winner grafts but its impossible to say. Either way , I feel ten times better and after some toppik, pretty much back to normal.

Third image is current state- sorry about the blurry picture but my weblog has one with a close up and better detail.

Second image is the scar, again blurry but added flash to highlight the line.

First image , after toppik and normal lighting conditions.


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I would stop using toppik if I were you! There is some evidence & discussion about concealers possibly affecting hair transplant growth. I'd at least wait a good few months just to be on the safe side. GLG


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Cheers for the advice Viens. I know, I have yet to find concrete information about toppik, while it seems dermmatch may be an issue. Either way, I only use if its a necessity.
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Come on. I am as cautious as the most cautious. But, come on. There is NO reason to believe that Toppik is even remotely harmful once the scabs have fallen off after hair transplant. The issue in using it while the scabs are still present is that it may cause infection if it becomes lodged in the crusts.

I am as sure as the day is long that concealers, and in particular Toppik or other similar concealers, do NOT cause damage, or impact growth in any way -- which begin at the root 2mm beneath the epidermis.

Some of you need to stop with the conspiracy theories. We have enough REAL concerns to worry about post-op. The sky is not falling, in this instance.



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yeah, toppix attaches to the hair and doesn't go near the root. i dont buy it.


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Rutt said:
yeah, toppix attaches to the hair and doesn't go near the root. i dont buy it.

Theres something called skin (epidermis) between the root (follicle) and the hair. :doh:
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S.a.f -- I think you and i agree -- your statement regarding the barrier of skin is sggestive that you agree that there is no legitimate reason for concern that, once the scabs fall post hair transplant, a concealer such as Toppik poses zero threat to growing follicle, which you accurately point out, resides well below the skin itself.

I do not remotely believe there is any negative impact using these concealers and I welcome information to the contrary.



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I agree myself , but I cannot dismiss anything without hard evidence. Being that they attach to the hair, considering no such product is used for the first couple of weeks, while the scabs are heeling from thereon after all should be good. But as everything moderation is best. :hump:

I only apply during a night where wearing a beanie would be impossible or a source of contention.

@northnorth all his prices are on his website on Feller Medical. Also, it more than common that he adds a fre hundred grafts without charging, considering some remaifollowing the strip. Consultation is free, so if you are in the NY area worth the visit.


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After reading that site

If someone were to spend 15.5k for a megasession (like 4k graphs or so)

one would be able to notice a thicker and hairy scalp if they were only a Norwood 2.5-3?


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Absolutely, you could probably get to a NW1.5 or so. With good hair you could get a 14 year old's hairline. but that's a bad idea for a number of reasons.

But there's the whole question of if it's a good idea depending on age and if you might recede further and how much donor you have leftover and all that, because there's a good chance you will need procedures after that.