Dr Jeffrey Epstein


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Hey everyone! First, thanks for taking the time to read this. I'll jump right in.

I got a hair transplant last year that I was incredibly underwhelmed with the results of. I posted before, but here are the links.



Please take a moment to review those posts/pictures. You can get an idea of what I was going for by reading them. But long story short: the results were very poor and not at all what I planned on. So I switched doctors and am now going with Dr. Jeffrey Epstein. He was recommended to me on this forum.


He has told me that my first doctor did nothing technically wrong, but that he would have gone with a more narrow recipient area with more grafts. He told me that I needed one more operation to make my plan feasible, and one more (he said "maybe") after that for finishing touches. My operation is in two days, on the 29th.

Can someone tell me if I have chosen the right doctor? I was burned last time, and these are decisions I can't undo. Does Dr. Epstein have a good reputation? Does his advice seem realistic? He basically said that if I get the second procedure, I'll have hair that looks as thick as my side hair.

I guess I've gotten cold feet and am a little scared that I'm making a huge mistake by trusting doctors who, essentially, see me as profit and will say anything to make profit.


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I would be very careful at this point given your prior results. You need to make sure you Doctor has a lot of experience with repairs, which is basically what you are buying now. DO NOT RUSH.


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I also notice this Doctor (who I know essentially nothing about) is not just a hair transplant surgeon but a plastic surgeon as well. There was just an episode of a recent internet talk radio show about this exact situation (plastic surgeons doing hair transplant), so you might want to listen to that before you do anything. Again, I do not know anything about this Doctor (for all I know he is wonderful) but I am just trying to help you make a good decision.