Dr Lee comments on ketoconazole shampoo!


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This is a link to a comment made by Dr Richard Lee who is a doctor and someone who works in the field of hair loss. I don't know personally if Dr lee is a doctor or even exists though i do plan do find out these commning weeks(I suggest you do too). Anyway here is the link in which Dr lee comments on ketoconazole.



Quote from Dr Lee website: Ketoconazole has been proven to decrease the quantities of DHT in the scalp by helping to inhibit its synthesis from sterols.  Salicylic acid has a keratolytic and a slight antiseptic action when applied topically to the skin.  By removing some of the dead epidermal layers of the stratum corneum, there is an enhanced action by the ketoconazole in suppressing the production of DHT in the scalp.