Dr Lee says that shedding on propecia is a result of Telogen Effluvium


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Dr Lee told me in an email any shed on propecia is usually a sign of Telogen Effluvium.
what do you guys think of this?
He mentions its expected to shedon minoxidil and its completely normal as it signals the hair telegon to shed early ..but Im curious what about propecia?..he claims only time you shed on Propecia is when your experiecning Telogen Effluvium
any comments?


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Hmm.. Interesting. I created a post earlier today (below) that no one has responded to yet. I wonder if what I'm experiencing has anything to with Telogen Effluvium.

"Shedding 3 years into Propecia?"

I've been using propecia since Sept. 2001 and never noticed any sheds whatsoever (I shaved my head as soon as I started the medication) and I had absolutely fantastic result (thick, full head of hair). Only about 5 months ago, I started to notice my hair was thinning again. Now, the diffuse thin is hard to hide. My question, is it possible to have a random shed a few years into Propecia use? I havent read anything that says it is happens. I recently added some MSM, L-Lysine, and Grapeseed extract as a direct result of the shed.
Does this make sense? I never changed anything in my regime and havent had any stressful situations that might trigger a shed this far into the medication. I thought it only happened a few months into use of new meds and then that was it.
Please help.

I'm reading into Telogen Effluvium and I believe shedding would occur in a diffuse pattern which is what I'm seeing. I'm praying this is the case. Otherwise its time to pump up my regimen.


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Ask Dr. Lee what his scientific evidence to back that up is.

Because there ain't none. No study of all the guys that have claimed shedding while on Propecia has taken place. I don't believe all of them were suffering from Telogen Effluvium. I believe there must be some truth to the claim that Propecia causes shedding.


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But from what I've heard, Telogen Effluvium comes as a result of traumatic systemic shock (medical, emotional, or physical). Which would makes sense if you are introducing a powerful drug like Propecia into your body. I think its a misinterpretation of definitions.