Dr. Lee's 5% spironolactone.......


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Has there been any studies done on whether the cream penetrates as well as his 2% alcohol mixture? I started the 5% a few weeks ago and I seem to be shedding (I have never really shed from anything before, inclduing minoxidil). When I started the 2% I had absoluetly no problems so I am concerned that maybe the 5% isn't really penetrating. Any info greatly appreciated..


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man where do u guys get this spironolactone
dont u need a perscription, its a hassle gettin the perscription since my doctors dont no nothin about male pattern baldness
and Dr. Lee charges money for the perscription and u have to do the consultation form thing and pay visa
anyone know any pharmacies in Toronto(Canada) wh ere i can just get it?


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I got some shedding from the 2%, but nothing like what I got from the 5%. I don't know if that is caused from the 5% being stronger or weaker. I just switched back to the 2% just in case. I have a jar of the 5% which I use occasionally.


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lots of recipe's in the net...Dr. Lee actually posted how to make it on hairlosshelp. Do a search on google.com I would recommend a cream version. Putting spironolactone in minoxidil or alcohol will have a horrid smell.