Dr. Lee's website is ridiculous.


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I'm going to trust all of you guys on this one and order me some of Dr. Lee's 5% minoxidil. Less PPG = less scalp irritation, I hear.

The thing is, Dr. Lee's site has a terrible setup and I don't understand how to go about ordering it. Can someone point me in the right direction?

Thanks! :)


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lol yeah I noticed how crumby of a setup that site has also..

Dr. Lee probably tried to make the page himself, and we all know doctors don't know anything about computers.. stick to medicine Dr. Lee ! :p

Just playin'.. anyway, I wish he would make things easier myself, I'm ready for my first order as I've received confirmation email today.

I don't know what to get though, something that is PPG free, Xandrox or spironolactone.. which is best for me I'm just starting to thin in the vertex/crown area.. no noticable spots yet.

I think you should just email him.


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Agreed. It's not as though he's not making enough money off of us to pay for a measly web designer...his site looks like a reject from the early days of the World Wide Web.


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Agreed, if his site had a couple of dripping blood and mushroom cloud GIFs it would seriously look like it was designed by a 12 year old.

The Gardener

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Well, Dr Lee and I did his website together one day when we were both stoned out our minds. We got on this trip about speaking different languages, I was jabbering to him in pseudo-Chinese gobbledegook and he was swearing back to me using cuss words in Russian. Then came an hour of German, we typed up a whole section while we were in that phase. Then, we took some ecstasy and found this gnarly spinning "e" gif out on the web and just HAD to find a way to fit it somewhere onto the site because we couldn't stop laughing at it. So, we put it right next to the "email us" link, you know, "e" for email, and ecstacy, get it? get it?.. lol!

Just kidding. But, the sh*t you want from Dr Lee is his basic minoxidil, which has 30% PPG rather than Rogaine's 50%. It's a good starting point. If you want to order one bottle, you want #500, or you can get 3 bottles at a discounted price if you select #503. Just don't do what Lee and I did that afternoon and drive, or you might end up with a 502.


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Haven't u realized most pharmacy related websites suck serious *** as far as layout? Most I can't even figure out how to order the damn product..


Established Member
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It totally needs an overhaul... :(

It resembles early html circa 1997


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that was a hillarious post....I always though you guys were doing shrooms when you built that site

I tried everything he has and I think the basic 5% is the way to go too, he gives you a discount on spironolactone if you buy the 5%.

The 15% is bunk, the 12.5 is ok but a b**ch to apply, not sold on Xandrox 5%, I do like the one w/ the retin a

Im not totally down on azelaic acid, I use the Alterna follcille stim mouse in the AM because its a great styling aid and has "potential" as a hair growth stimulator. It has az acid plus some other good stuff, sod,zinc,copper, etc.