dr pistone


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i emailed dr. pistone from new jersey about hair transplantation..he sounds like a good guy.. anyways, here's what he wrote :


I would really need to evaluate you to give you specific recommendations but I hope this helps a little:

If you are a hair transplant candidate, you would not need to shave your head prior to the procedure. I use the Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) technique and therefore remove the donor area in one piece. This is considered the gold standard for hair transplantation and generally leaves a very minimal scar, contrary to what you may have read elsewhere. The FUE technique you are referring to is still considered experimental by most surgeons and has some pros and a lot of cons. It is not a non-scarring technique. Instead of leaving one scar, it leaves thousands of small scars. These may or may not be visible if you shave your head. I know it looks good on paper but as they say, if it looks to good to be true, it probably is. Another downside of the technique is that it can cost 3x more for the same amount of grafts and require several procedures to equal one FUT procedure.

Our hair transplant procedure cost on average anywhere from $4500 to $6500 for a full session.

Please schedule a consultation at your convenience. It is complimentary and I would be better able to guide you toward the best option after seeing you.

Please call Tina @ 800-754-0120 to set up an appt.

Best regards,

Dr Greg Pistone

i'm thinking about going soon for an evaluation.. we'll see. i believe what he says though. even the other doctor i emailed about fue said there are more cons in fue than fut