Dr.Seager-TORONTO--Scheduled date for November....


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* I will post pictures tonight to show you guys everything*

I been researching on this site and other sites for the past 3 years. I have been taking propecia off and on for the past 3 years. Minoxidol as well in the same format. I went to doctor Seager's office and opted for the strip procedure, they recommended 1500 grafts for a nominal fee. Now, my question here is that does anyone have experience with Dr.Seager's office? They claim to be one of the best in Canada.


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They are not the best in Canada, Hasson and Wong, Dr Rahal....these are the top dogs in canada.

I thought Dr Seager was dead, unless this is his son?


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Hey I have a question about that.

I always see people asking who are the best hair transplant doctors in Toronto, people always list out a few names. What I am curious about is where and how do you get those names?

Is there some sort of chart that rates the Doctors?




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Petchsky said:
They are not the best in Canada, Hasson and Wong, Dr Rahal....these are the top dogs in canada.

I thought Dr Seager was dead, unless this is his son?

it is his son in law or son running the show with another doctor that is the head there now that worked under seager and seager taught him everything.

i cannot go anywhere else, i would like to stay in toronto, hasson and wong was my 1st choice but they are in vancouver.


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bookspec said:
Petchsky said:
They are not the best in Canada, Hasson and Wong, Dr Rahal....these are the top dogs in canada.

I thought Dr Seager was dead, unless this is his son?

it is his son in law or son running the show with another doctor that is the head there now that worked under seager and seager taught him everything.

i cannot go anywhere else, i would like to stay in toronto, hasson and wong was my 1st choice but they are in vancouver.
so what?
You shouldn't choose the surgeon because of the location.


Established Member
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are you crazy?

H&W was your top choice but you can take 4 hour flight out there?

Dude.. get on the damn plane, and go there.. and forget about Seager. You're going to be sorry in the long run, and by the "long run" I mean your life.. I've never heard of Seager and would not take a chance.


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richlocks said:
are you crazy?

H&W was your top choice but you can take 4 hour flight out there?

Dude.. get on the damn plane, and go there.. and forget about Seager. You're going to be sorry in the long run, and by the "long run" I mean your life.. I've never heard of Seager and would not take a chance.

u never heard of seager...hes a pioneer in this business. he's good but I have heard and seen many good things about H&W. The only thing im scared of is complications arising after and im back in toronto with H&W, otherwise id see them in a heartbeat.


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Ok.. Most people who go to H&W are from outside of Canada.. and i would say (from what i've seen) 99% don't have complications.

The downside of you getting subpar results to H&W at Seager is way higher than the upside of being close to your surgeon in the unlikelihood of a complication.