Dr. Umar--3000 grafts, BHT (Beard) 12 month update


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These photos were taken at 12 month mark from my last procedure with Dr. Umar in which he placed 3000 Beard Hair grafts in my crown area and the top center part of my head.

I was not experienced with BHT but rather only scalp hair transplants.

Dr. Umar told me that I could not access the full results of the procedure at the 6 month mark, and that it would take up to a year before we could determine the success of the procedure--especially because we were dealing with non-head hair.

Being fairly experienced with hair tranplantation I knew that it took a lot of patience--I now know that it takes even much more patience when dealing with non-head hair. I have also learned that you cannot always look at other people's photos and try to gauge what your results should be at a certain time frame.

The photos were taken in extremely bright light.

The first photo does not show the entire extent of balding/thinning area before. It was actually slightly larger than the photo depicts.

Also remember that this procedure was a Beard Hair Graft procedure which are singles as opposed to scalp hairs grafts. This cannot be compared to a 3000 head hair procedure.

I am very satisfied with my results especially considering that, in my opinion, my beard hair is not the thicker caliber of many men's.

I plan to have another procedure with Dr. Umar sometime this year.


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Senior Member
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Got any pics of the donor area post op, 3000 grafts seems alot. BTW did they have to numb the entire beard area?


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The hair taken from the area is gone. When you start to grow whiskers out you will notice that there are areas that are bare around the other whiskers.

Personally I wouldn't care if all mine were gone because I can't stand having to shave every other day. If you look close in the pictures of my donro area you can see that it is less dense in areas.


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s.a.f said:
Got any pics of the donor area post op, 3000 grafts seems alot. BTW did they have to numb the entire beard area?

Here is the donor area which healed very nicely:


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Established Member
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i think i see some white dots.. areas that are bare from where it was taken.. i guess its fine..


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richlocks said:
i think i see some white dots.. areas that are bare from where it was taken.. i guess its fine..

The areas from which the grafts were taken are bare now which is fine with me because I do not like shaving.

Keep in mind this was taken with a powerful digital camera which will show the area very close up.