Dr. Vito Quatela - any info on him? Also cost expectations.


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Recently I decided to grow my hair out after getting it buzzed for three years, and I just noticed how far my hairline has receded. It isn't too horrible objectively - I'm only a level 2 on the baldness scale - but it does suck considering my maternal grandfather and my uncle didn't start losing their hair until their 30's (I'm only 23). I'm thinking chronic stress triggered this early onset (stress as in severe anxiety about my health for years, a close family member dying, and general anxiety/depression). I do have some villus hairs that I'm hoping can be revived along my hairline rim, but not enough that would push me back to level 1.

I live in Rochester, NY, so the closest ISHRS-certified doctor is Dr. Vito Quatela. Dr. Joseph Nieman in Buffalo is also ISHRS-certified. Quatela is a plastic surgeon, and Nieman is a dermatologist (is one preferable to the other?). Also, would Rogaine or Propecia actually regrow any hair that's been lost? I plan on seeing my dermatologist on the 26th to discuss what she thinks, but I'm just trying to get some preliminary info on these transplant doctors, medications, and the procedure itself first.

For only increasing my hairline/temples from a level two to a level one, what price should I expect if I had to go through with the transplant? Would it leave a scar (FUT vs. FUE or something)? Since I don't have much in the way of thinning on top yet, and things seem to be progressing slowly, does this make me an ideal candidate (would the medications be effective at preventing further progression)?


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Ive never heard of these Dr's, just because they are ISHRS certified doesnt mean they are any good.

Do yourself a favour, make sure you do plenty more research before making a decision and dont just choose a surgeon because they are close to you.

You could be stuck with the results for ever.


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My Regimen
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Ive never heard of these Dr's, just because they are ISHRS certified doesnt mean they are any good.

Do yourself a favour, make sure you do plenty more research before making a decision and dont just choose a surgeon because they are close to you.

You could be stuck with the results for ever.

Yeah even thought the Doctor Im using is ISHRS it made no difference to me. Its not a government mandated regulation or certification, its literally just a lodge of hair transplant docs who formed a club with their own "rules".

I mean if the heads of this organization decide they don't like one guy they can snub him and make him look bad even though he might be the best out there.

I mean Im exaggeration of course but really I think people put to much emphasis on this. Look at the time they have been in the field, their background, check around online (even though its damn impossible to find reviews on line from guys) and just go a bit with your gut. I went to see 2 HUGE names in my area but honestly within 15 minutes it was nothign more than a high pressure c*** show where they just slammed everyone else.

Like buying a used car.