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Losing my hair has been an interesting battle. I feel much better now but sometimes I get that feeling like when I found out I first starting losing my hair. It hit me again after my dream last night when I was a nw6 in my dream. I woke up and it scared the heck out of me. I am doing much better though. I know I will be a nw6 some day and I accept it. But man it it scary how your hair loss hits you all of a sudden again out of no ware.


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Hairloss, as i've known for quite some time is my greatest fear.

But for some reason it's never entered dreamland thus far. Which is good. Dreams are a place I can go to just be me. Funny that.


this is really creepy. i dreamt that I was a Norwood 6 too last Friday. I woke up sweating and felt my head realizing that it was just a dream. Everyone in my classes was pointing at me and shouting "Norwood! Norwood!". And all the other guys in the econ class in the dream were NW1s, which I know is not the case in my real class. It's on our minds a lot so it's only logical for our thoughts to carry into dreams.


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You have a problem. :eek: It should'nt be spilling over into your dreams. You guys who have caught it early and got on the meds can relax you probably wont ever get to nw6.


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few years ago when i was still nw1, i had a dream where i was nw6 and my scalp was like the moon..all bumpy with pot holes..i tried apply some kind of hair regrowth lotion infront of the mirror, the lotion filled up the holes...


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i have a recurring dream where i dream that all my hair has fallen out and then i wake up to find it is true.....

.........dreams at night and nightmares all day.

welcome to the world of the norwood sevens....come and join me my fellow follicle failures.


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I have nightmares usually once a week. Just me and the bathroom mirror and hand mirror, looking at the wide areas of skin on top, then waking up and checking again, seeing it is true, then waking up again, etc, all this in a dream that is very vivid. I have a strong imagination, so I can see really solid, vivid colors in my dreams, and can't tell the difference sometimes. I also dream about the scar on the back of my head being huge, and connecting with the other scar on my forehead. But that nightmare is gone pretty much since my second hair procedure.

I'm still not convinced dutasteride will stop the top of my head from thinning. I should be OK for the next 2 years, though. I can take big spiders and other stuff in my dreams, but hair loss scares me more than anything else. Well, except a different kind of nightmare I have, which has mnd blowing guilt and sleep walking instead of fear. But I have not had those in 2-3 years.


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What's weird I never have had any dreams of being bald, but one dream where I had hair like Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


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btw, i have a couple of dreams that my hair regrow to a Norwood 1, where i was flirt with every girl i see 8)


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oddly enough i was reading in the paper a few days ago that researchers have found dreams mean jack sh*t.


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probably because they are the type of researchers who think if something cant be measure in lab it doesnt exist.

Fruedian and Jungian concepts disagree with that conclusion, and the therapy technqiues used by such therapists are proof that dreams are the gateway to the unconcious.

Dont believe everything you read in those nasty newspapers!


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lol, i still have dreams where I see myself with a huge bald spot is some really crappy looking hair... like i should be without modern science, man thats scary


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it was actually psychologists doing the research. although thinking back i may have read it a little wrong. they found that dreaming about things did not help you deal with them, quite the opposite. they followed a bunch of recently divorced couples, and those who dreamed about their problems more had dealt with them far less than those who didnt.

though i spose its chicken and the egg really isnt it. did they deal with them less because they dreamed about it more? or dream about it more cos they dealt with it less effectively? the researchers took the first position, but thinking about it now the second seems far more logical.


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what if you were sent back in time, and while trying to survive back then, you could do nothing about your hair. You'd have to be real smart and figure out how to synthesize finasteride, and all the chemicals needed to make it. Yeah right.

Or, what if you get in a car crash and end up in the hospital in a coma, and they don't know to give you finasteride, and when you wake up, you are bald? I guess then you should be happy to be alive.

I know. You are trapped on a deserted Island for a year, maybe with two women and a guy. At the end of the year, they sleep with him and not you.


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OK, what if you got put in prison for a year, for something you did not do, and they would not let you have your propecia, and you fell all the way down to placebo levels? Maybe in 3 years you could regrow most of it, but what if they kept you there two years, or you were a bad responder?

At least with my mega levels of dutasteride, I'd be safe a while. I'd just try to get as much grapefruit as possible, though they'd probably just give us maggots.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
I know. You are trapped on a deserted Island for a year, maybe with two women and a guy. At the end of the year, they sleep with him and not you.

That would make a threesome to that guy and pain in the hand to you.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
OK, what if you got put in prison for a year, for something you did not do, and they would not let you have your propecia, and you fell all the way down to placebo levels? Maybe in 3 years you could regrow most of it, but what if they kept you there two years, or you were a bad responder? At least with my mega levels of dutasteride, I'd be safe a while. I'd just try to get as much grapefruit as possible, though they'd probably just give us maggots.

Let me get this straight - You are falsly imprisioned for a year and your biggest concern about that would be how much your hairloss progressed while you were inside? :eek:

Ps 2 guys, 2 girls stranded on a desert Island you'd probably have shagged them both and killed the other guy for food within a month.


collegechemistrystudent said:
OK, what if you got put in prison for a year, for something you did not do, and they would not let you have your propecia, and you fell all the way down to placebo levels?

If I was in prison, my first concern would be protecting my bung hole and not wouldn't be finding some Propecia, but I guess we feel differently about this.