Drink glass of Red wine every night and see thick hair

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Well for all that is reading this, I hope you try this. If your hair is just starting to thin, I will almost %100 guarantee that drinking a glass of red wine every day will bring back your thick hair. You most certainly do not need to be taking finasteride if you do drink atleast 4 glasses of red wine a week. I became curious about red wine because when I was in college, my major was Horticulture. One day my teacher was talking about how he use to teach wine classes while he was getting his Doctorine at Ohio State. Anyways hes a big wine guy and drinks red wine all the time. He also has tons of hair and the guy is over 50. But the interesting part was when we were talking in class and he started talking about his younger brother. I don't know how it got brought up but he said his brother was bald by 30. I was thinking well thats crazy because i know not one hair on my teachers head has thinned. He has absolutely no recession of the hairline. So I thought i would try to start drinking red wine since i stopped using finasteride for 3 months due to sides. After 2 weeks of drinking it...I began to get the same sides that I got with finasteride just not as bad, but my hair was shedding like crazy but i couldn't tell because it was also growing back thicker at the same time it was shedding. It was honestly like finasteride on steroids for me. I'm a early thinner so i could tell when the spots that were thinning would be thick because i could no longer see my scalp, and thats what happened after just 2 weeks drinking red wine. So i hope you guys try it, and if you start getting your hair back...I accept donations. ha please just try and let me know if you have success.


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Yeah right! that is why so many french people ( France) that overdose on wine are so bald lol totally ridiculous man sorry!!


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commonsense123 said:
One day my teacher was talking about how he use to teach wine classes while he was getting his Doctorine at Ohio State. Anyways hes a big wine guy and drinks red wine all the time. He also has tons of hair and the guy is over 50. But the interesting part was when we were talking in class and he started talking about his younger brother. I don't know how it got brought up but he said his brother was bald by 30.

Does anyone around here understand how genetics works? Just because he's not bald, doesnt mean his brother isn't going to be bald....


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commonsense123 said:
If your hair is just starting to thin, I will almost %100 guarantee that drinking a glass of red wine every day will bring back your thick hair.

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Yep drunk off a 4 ounce glass of red wine. I also took a pinch of cayenne pepper a day, while drinking the 4 ounce glass of red wine but i doubt that has any significance to it. Laugh all you want, it only takes 2 weeks to try. I hope somebody trys it. Take the cayenne pepper with it just in case its the combination. I know it sounds crazy but i'm telling you my hair was growing back to its normal thickness.


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I believe you. That is why there are no bald red wine drinkers out there.


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i'm drinking a glass of red wine additional to a few beers a day for a year, still loosing hairs, but i guess thats because of beer :whistle:
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ScienceDaily (May 26, 2007) — Researchers have found that men who drink an average of four to seven glasses of red wine per week are only 52% as likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer as those who do not drink red wine.

Red wine has a balancing effect on male hormones which is why it lowers the risk of prostate cancer by over half. I'm not saying if you already have lost all your hair that after drinking red wine suddenly all of it will come back. Im saying if you are just noticing that you have some thinning areas, you should try drinking a glass of red wine a day (add the cayanne if you want).


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heyyy are;nt you the same guy who claimed that masturbation is directly linked to hairloss.

So now what is this new sh!t


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commonsense123 said:
Researchers have found that men who drink an average of four to seven glasses of red wine per week are only 52% as likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer as those who do not drink red wine.

I can see where you are placing your logic with red wine having similiar effects to finestride, but no red wine is not going to save your hair alone.

commonsense123 said:
Anyways hes a big wine guy and drinks red wine all the time. He also has tons of hair and the guy is over 50. But the interesting part was when we were talking in class and he started talking about his younger brother. I don't know how it got brought up but he said his brother was bald by 30. I was thinking well thats crazy because i know not one hair on my teachers head has thinned.

Some people are more predisposed to baldness more than others. I know this because i know two brothers who are roughly the same age and one is bald and the other is not. Just because they are related doesn't mean they are going to have the exact same traits but i can understand why you would think this.

commonsense123 said:
After 2 weeks of drinking it...I began to get the same sides that I got with finasteride just not as bad, but my hair was shedding like crazy but i couldn't tell because it was also growing back thicker at the same time it was shedding

Alcohol can make you shed hair. The mind is strange thing because its possible to believe your getting side effects when your not. This is why they test clinical data using placebo


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If red wine did help with hair loss, the only reasons I could think of would be resveratrol and the blood thinning effect. Maybe there are some cases where those two would help, but only a small percentage of people who take lots of resveratrol seem to grow hair, and as others have pointed out, the world is full of bald wine drinkers.
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No its not because its a blood thinner. Scientist have done studies on prostate cancer which is caused by high levels of androgens in the body. Red wine reduced the chance for prostate cancer by 52%. Red wine effects the androgens in the male body. Go Google it.
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And lets think what drugs were made to treat enlarged prostate. hmmmmm oh yah finasteride and dutasteride....and lets see aren't those the only drugs out there that have any success on keeping the hair thick...CHECK....so if red wine can lower androgens and reduce the risk for prostate cancer by such a dramatic amount....I would put money on it that its more effective than finasteride any day....that is if your hair is not completely gone....i promise you that your hair will grow back thick again. I witnessed it myself. But i'm 26 and still have all the hair on my head....its just my crown and upper sides of my head have thinned a bit. drink a damn glass of red wine every night for 2 weeks. Just 2 weeks of your life and tell me if anything happens to your hair...You guys are knocking before your trying....and no i don't think anyone would be bald if they drank a glass of red wine every day before they thinned out dramatically. Yah theres guys that drink red wine at partys or a couple times a week. I'm saying drink a glass every night. Please message me if any of you try this and let me know if you see some results.


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yvakin said:
i'm drinking a glass of red wine additional to a few beers a day for a year, still loosing hairs, but i guess thats because of beer :whistle:

No, it is because you need to eat the chilli peppers with it. And every day too. Miss one day and you can't say it does not work. Make sure you ask him where he bought his too, so you get the right type. Might also have been some other stuff he was eating at the time. You got to get out a stop watch and take them in the right order at the right time, right combo. I think we are on to a cure, we just need this guy to be more specific.


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Though maybe it only works for his genes.
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I hope everybody that is viewing this thread is paying no attention to the veteran poster ccs. I understand its great to joke around about everything, but your failing to look at the evidence on Red Wine.....Again numerous studys....Harvard health did research on red wine and the prostatee....They say that they are not yet sure why but red wine has flavanoids and resveretrol and other compounds that are found in the skin and seeds of red grapes that have a balancing effect on the androgens in the male body. Which leads to the 52% decrease in the chance for a male to get prostate cancer if he drinks a glass of red wine a day. Now joke all you want but your avoiding the main point. Thats why I tried it. I stopped taking finasteride because of the bad side effects and i let my hair thin out for 3 months until i came across the artical on red wine and decrease in prostate cancer....Then i remembered my teacher.....Anyways after 2 weeks of drinking it my hair was falling out like crazy but it was also thicker than it ever got after 7 months on finasteride. I hope somebody tries this and doesn't listen to some of these veteran dumbasses on here that think they know everything because in the end your still a veteran with no hair and you do nothing for anyone that is really searching for some help. I"m not wasting any young guys time. This works...Don't listen to these people that are trying to make a joke about it. google about red wine and prostate.....and then google about what the drug finasteride and dutasteride was made to initially treat (prostate not hairloss). Please research for yourself....you don't have to take my word for anything. durrrr chili peppers durrrrrr csccs not sure how old you are bud but i do know if your older than 25 you haven't learned much from life yet .....way to help out the public.