Drug test



If a probation officer plucks out your hair (about 50) for a drug test, does the hair he plucked out enter telogen, or does it continue to grow in anagen? I would really like to know cuz its buggin me


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Didn't you recently state your on some sort of a 2 or 3 week chemical bender?

Might have more to worryabout than 50 hairs in anagen phase..... :shock:


thank you very much garner, and when the hell did i say i was in some sort of binge phase
i said i have recently abused darvocet and vicodein, which i am trying to deal with now, but i haven't been on a "chemical binge" since my high school years 3 yrs back


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bartman654 said:
and when the hell did i say i was in some sort of binge phase
i said i have recently abused darvocet and vicodein, which i am trying to deal with now, but i haven't been on a "chemical binge" since my high school years 3 yrs back

I forgot they came from health food stores. My bad.


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Sometimes I chuckle out loud at things I read on here.


a chemical binge to me would be a weekend of maybe mdma, lsd, and a little dpt its all relative, and i dont do that anymore
vicodin and darvocet are small beans in the world of "chemical binges" eating 5 a day would be a binge, i was eating one or the other a day to help get by
I think that finasteride is a more active chemical than vicodin or darvocet, so we binge everyday

not me!

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bartman654 said:
a chemical binge to me would be a weekend of maybe mdma, lsd, and a little dpt its all relative, and i dont do that anymore
vicodin and darvocet are small beans in the world of "chemical binges" eating 5 a day would be a binge, i was eating one or the other a day to help get by
I think that finasteride is a more active chemical than vicodin or darvocet, so we binge everyday

Um, yeah.

I had my fun with "things that helped me get by" at one time too. Like you, I also made excuses. One day I woke up, looked around, and then REALLY woke up. I hope you do the same. You're much better off without that crap.


OH MY GOD! I see the light now, Thank you social drinker.
No more excuses for me! I'll have to find valid reasons to take them!


I dont have one. This was the only way i could get someone to answer my "plucked hair" question that ive been asking for a while. I used "Drug Test" to get people's attention and it worked.

not me!

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bartman654 said:
OH MY GOD! I see the light now, Thank you social drinker.
No more excuses for me! I'll have to find valid reasons to take them!

Your sarcasm conveys that of a very confused, simple-minded little girl. I only pray that you do not breed, sweetheart.


Yay, Lets have fun arguing w/ and insulting people over the internet. I mean, we are never going to meet them. Don't you feel tougher now Social Drinker. Its so cool to be tough and talk sh*t over the internet now adays. Girls must think you are really cool huh? Just invite em over, "Look what i typed to this kid over the internet today baby, I TOLD HIM I HOPE HE NEVER BREEDS, do you think im cool NOW?

The Gardener

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bartman654 said:
I dont have one. This was the only way i could get someone to answer my "plucked hair" question that ive been asking for a while. I used "Drug Test" to get people's attention and it worked.

That's too bad. I hear that Probation Officers usually have the best weed in town...