Dry eyes from minoxidil/spironolactone?


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Hi - I'm just wondering if anyone knows if dry eyes are a symptom of taking spironolactone or minoxidil? I've got serious dry eyes - it's really quite bad. :shock: I'm on 50 mg of spironolactone - 13th day and minoxidil - approx 2 mnths. I wear contacts (havent worn them since I've gotten this eye problem) and I'm going overseas very soon and need to wear my contacts (for a special occasion :) ) I'm just wondering if I should just stop the aldactone and take a break from it for about a month (period of time I'm away)....I have this weird feeling it might be bec. of the aldactone...what do you guys feel? Please reply soon.... Thanks :p

Problems problems problems...keep em comin...


Hi Ann! :)

Maybe try weaning yourself off of it slowly, therefore it might not produce a large shed. I think Mayalopecia can elaborate or give better advice. Hope she sees this!



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Hi Ann,

I suspect you may need to drink a lot more water whilst taking spironolactone--this may clear up some of your problems post-haste. It is a diuretic, so it encourages the dehydration of cells--this means all cells, including your eyes. If you drink more water (of course, you'll have to go to the w.c. more often), you might find that the other symptoms calm down so that you can wean yourself off the spironolactone. If you've been taking it for only a short while, I wouldn't expect that you'd need to be too terribly cautious about going off the drug quickly and causing a shed. Of course, I can't say that with any certainty--it's just a hunch.



Maya, I've been meaning to say this for a while. Niiiiiice shoes.

I'm looking for a pair like that myself, with a delicate little kitten heel.


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Thanks Maya-Laura,

So it obviously IS the aldactone causing my painfully dry eyes! I think Maya yr rt abt the aldactone not causing a major shed if I go off it now (I'm gonna stop for a month now) cos...well....as of now, it's like I haven't even been taking the damn drug - it's done jackall in terms of ANYTHING to do with the stopping atleast of hairloss...the minoxidil too for that matter.....what IS all this crap we have to put up with...nothin even works...this sucks hugely! :evil: Balding women...there shouldn't even be such a thing....as if we don't have enough problems of the womenly kind, let's also have all the male problems too....I feel so angry I wanna kick someone's ***.

On a different note, I'm leaving for my overseas break in 2 days, that'l be a month's break. So that means a month away from you guys too... :( ....don't f'get about me!! I'll be back.... :p So wish me good luck :) oh and ALL my supplements and minoxidil are also coming along on this trip.

So that's it from me for now! - Love, Ann.


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Hi Ann,

Have fun on your break! Wow. A month off. I don't know what I'd do--I am salivating at the prospect of getting just next week off!


Thanks for the compliment. These are Steve Madden shoes, with a big 'ol platform, but I certainly wouldn't object to them if they had smaller heels--they'd weigh less! :freaked2:



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Ann said:
Hi - I'm just wondering if anyone knows if dry eyes are a symptom of taking spironolactone or minoxidil? I've got serious dry eyes - it's really quite bad. :shock: I'm on 50 mg of spironolactone - 13th day and minoxidil - approx 2 mnths. I wear contacts (havent worn them since I've gotten this eye problem) and I'm going overseas very soon and need to wear my contacts (for a special occasion :) ) I'm just wondering if I should just stop the aldactone and take a break from it for about a month (period of time I'm away)....I have this weird feeling it might be bec. of the aldactone...what do you guys feel? Please reply soon.... Thanks :p

Problems problems problems...keep em comin...

Hello Ann, I just looked up some of the side effects for spironolactone:

Side effects may include:
Abdominal cramps, breast development in males, change in potassium levels (leading to such symptoms as dry mouth, excessive thirst, weak or irregular heartbeat, and muscle pain or cramps), deepening of voice, diarrhea, drowsiness, excessive hairiness, fever, headache, hives, irregular menstruation, kidney problems, lack of coordination, lethargy, liver problems, mental confusion, postmenopausal bleeding, severe allergic reaction, sexual dysfunction, skin eruptions, stomach bleeding, stomach inflammation, ulcers, vomiting.

(You can view the above at http://www.edrugnet.com/buy-genericaldactone-full.htm)

So judging from the above side effects it may be logical to think that spironolactone could also dry your eyes out, you should deffinetly try drinking lots more water while your on Sprio as it is diuretic as Mayalopecia has already stated :)

Hope thats of some help!


Dry eyes is a side effect of MSM.

If you are taking any, this might cause your issues.