Dry throat after taking Arginine


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Everytime I took 500 mg L Arginine before going to bed, my throat will get very dry in the morning. Should I be concerned about this?


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On a side note, to get the full benefits of arginine make sure you are taking arginine 3 hours away from ANY other amino acids and proteins. Other aminos compete with arginine on the blood-brain barrier. The best way to take it is in sleep cycles. If you get approzimately 7+ hours of sleep a night, wake up half way through the night, take the arginine, and go back to sleep. This way you don't have to deprive yourself of protein 3 hours before bed and arginine will be absorbed much better. This is the way I take arginine on workout days to produce the greatest growth hormone release during sleep.


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you probably need to drink a lot of water .. taking that much of a single amino acid in such a refined state cannot be good for you. Typically, protein needs to be digested in the stomach, cut up by enzymes, and this will yield a slow release of animo acids of all types into the body. In a tablet form, the arginine would go straight into the blood in a few minutes.