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I've been on Kevis for almost 3 months now and i'm beginning to notice little blonde hairs on my forehead, but my hair is dark brown. Does that seem right, will they just shed off. BTW i'll be starting dr. lee's 5% xandrox and nizoral after my kevis runs out.

Nixon's Head

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Kevis regrows nothing. Those little blond hairs probably have been there all along. I remember I was 3 days using minoxidil and I noticed those little hairs. No way could they have grown that fast. After using minoxidil for 3 months then I really got to see what it was like to start regrowing hair. Those are probaly hairs that have been attacked by DHT and are dying. They are probaly dying rather than being reborn.
You didnt mention that you have been using anything to treat your male pattern baldness. Get on the big three, and the sooner the better. If you dont know what the big three are then do a search on them. Educate yourself. Make informed hair regrowth decissions. I like Xandrox and Nizoral by the way. Get on finasteride too, though. Otherwise you're just treating the symtoms of male pattern baldness, not the cause.