Duta or finasteride


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I am ready to start takeing some meds for my receding hairline. I was all ready to go for finasteride (propecia), maybe even proscar when I started seeing lots of post on duta....anyone offer any suggestions on what you thinks works better (also considering side effects, etc)??

Also do you guys feel the generics work just as well as the real thing and if so any reliable sites where to get them??? Do I need to see a Doctor to get generics or can I just order them???

Also I want to add some nizoral, any ideas on wheer to geta good price


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First, you should educate yourself a little by surfing this website, where you will easily find all of your questions elaborated in details.
In short: You should start out with finasteride and give it about 6 months to judge its effect. It works by inhibiting something called 5AR which brakes down testosterone into DiHydroTestosterone (DHT) which is important to your organism in many ways, but which can also make your hair fall out. Inform yourself about side-effects; they are few and tend to pass away if you continue treatment. In general, this drug allows you to keep the hair that youve got, dont expect to grow new hair.

Dutasteride is a more potential drug, but so may the sideeffects be. This drug is not officially legit to treat hairloss, but works by inhibiting both the fase II AND the fase I of 5AlfaReductase. Like finasteride you should allow this drug 6-8 months to see its potential benefit to your hair. And like finasteride this drug is a hair-maintainer and you shouldnt expect any sudden regrowth of lost hair. Look into Minoxidil if you want to stimulate regrowth. Both finasteride and dutasteride deal with the cause of your hairloss; minoxidil works to stimulate your hair follicles into growth. Get an overview about how the different products work here http://www.hairlosstalk.com/productreviews You may also want to read this article as a word of caution when considering Avodart: ttp://www.hairlosstalk.com/newsletter/article201.htm

Where to get it: You can get 1mg Propecia from your doctor. More economically you may be able to have your prescribe 5mg Proscar to you (indicated for Enlarged Prostata - but also contains Finasteride). You then devide the pill into 4 pieces which gets you 1.25mg pr. daily dose. You can also order Finasteride on the Internet with and without a prescription. The places are many, youll may find some here: http://www.hairlosstalk.com/discussions ... rt+proscar
or look here: http://www.unitedpharmacies.com/Dutas_G ... p_395.html

Good luck,