Dutasteride. Am I wasting my time?


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I started Dutasteride and Rogaine on 2/10/14. I'm also using Nizoral and the "healthy hair, skin and nails" vitamin. My question is about Dutasteride....I have read really good and bad things about it. I'm taking .5mg a day right now and I have high hopes. About a year ago I took 1mg of finasteride along with rogaine once a day and I had awesome results in just two months but because I'm an idiot I stopped. I'm probably a NW3 and I had really good results in the crown and decently good results on my receding hairline. Well now that I'm back to that point of "NOW I gotta do something" I'm back to where I was. So my question is...has anyone had good results from dutasteride? Should I take .5mg a day or should I take it 3x a week? The clinical trial in 2010 said it had less side effects than finasteride...then I read all the f'd up stories on here. Since I responded so well with finasteride do you think I will really get good results with dutasteride? I'm 26 and ive been losing my hair since about 20. Horseshoe shaped receding hairline and crown getting pretty thin. Any info about this would really help me out. I don't want to waste any more time. Thanks


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Hello HL998, You may be trying to compensate for lost gains hair loss since stopping finasteride. Which is understandable. Most here would be confounded because you stopped after achieving "awesome results". Clearly you regret making that choice so I'm not interested in rubbing the noses of any honest contributors here. Like most accepted treatments for hair loss, at one time or another, dutasteride.is not unique in that it's safety record regarding it's adverse sides remains a bit controversial. Others are free to disagree but personally I would resume finasteride. treatment ASAP and add nizoral to your plan if you have not already. Again considering how well you responded before I see no reason to believe why you wouldn't respond as well. After 8-12 months you should have better insight on where you are in terms of your hair loss recovery status -/+:) Keep an eye/ear on the dutasteride." buzz on the streets" and above all do your own home work. finasteride. may never bring you to the restorative level you once had but already seen it's potential. dutasteride. can afford to wait until you've researched it more thoroughly your hair can not. Keep sharing and all the best !


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Thanks for your input. I have done my research on dutasteride. I remember reading on here about how bad all the sides effects were on finasteride before I decided give it a shot anyway. Although the one thing that gets me about dutasteride is the half life. So this is what I was thinking about doing. Take dutasteride until I A. See results or B. See side effects then add finasteride to my regimen and slowly wing myself from dutasteride. Either way, I just want to jump start my hair growth then take finasteride for the long haul. Of course, I'm also using rogaine and nizoral in combination with. Has anyone had any success with this type of journey? dutasteride for jump start then finasteride to maintain results?


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I started Dutasteride and Rogaine on 2/10/14. I'm also using Nizoral and the "healthy hair, skin and nails" vitamin. My question is about Dutasteride....I have read really good and bad things about it. I'm taking .5mg a day right now and I have high hopes. About a year ago I took 1mg of finasteride along with rogaine once a day and I had awesome results in just two months but because I'm an idiot I stopped. I'm probably a NW3 and I had really good results in the crown and decently good results on my receding hairline. Well now that I'm back to that point of "NOW I gotta do something" I'm back to where I was. So my question is...has anyone had good results from dutasteride? Should I take .5mg a day or should I take it 3x a week? The clinical trial in 2010 said it had less side effects than finasteride...then I read all the f'd up stories on here. Since I responded so well with finasteride do you think I will really get good results with dutasteride? I'm 26 and ive been losing my hair since about 20. Horseshoe shaped receding hairline and crown getting pretty thin. Any info about this would really help me out. I don't want to waste any more time. Thanks

dutasteride is awesome. went from a Norwood 5 to Norwood 3 in 2 years while on it. i had to stop though because of some sides. i know a guy who regrew his juvenile hairline while on it for 6 years.


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dutasteride is awesome. went from a Norwood 5 to Norwood 3 in 2 years while on it. i had to stop though because of some sides. i know a guy who regrew his juvenile hairline while on it for 6 years.
What were the side effects that made you stop taking it? How long were you able to take it before you had side effects?


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Well I started to see a major turn around pretty quickly. I noticed that my hair in general looked and felt better. I had the initial shed which kinda worried me but then that's when I started to see the results shortly after. I had actual hair growth in my receding hairline. My crown was starting to fill in.....until.....I had a situation with my insurance and pharmacy which declined my prescription so I was out of dutasteride for about 2 months and I could almost immediately tell the difference. I started to shed really bad. My hair started to get that miniaturized look and was noticeably thinner. Most of the hair that I regrew in my hairline fell out during the shed. After the fighting stress I finally was able to get the prescription filled again. I kinda feel like I'm starting over which sucks because I started in Feb and it's now Dec. I thought that the half life was super long with dutasteride so I'm surprised that I lost so much just in two months... but In all honesty I was really bad about remembering to take it everyday so it more more like once every 3-5 days or so. Has anyone else had success with this? !?