dutasteride and itchy scalp

JJ Gittes

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Has anybody here noticed an increase in scalp irritation or itch after starting dutasteride?

I've used Nizoral for years (so please don't suggest that :) ) without a problem.

Yet, since starting dutasteride about 17 days ago, the itch has returned with a vengeance.

Seems like the opposite should be true with dutasteride's increased suppression of scalp DHT -- no?


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You might try using Nizoral... :lol:

Kevin fretwell

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I've started using dutasteride a s a topical a couple of days ago and noticed that my scalp was itchy as well but only mildly so and is of no concern since I use copper peptide which takes care of that .

JJ Gittes

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Kevin fretwell said:
I've started using dutasteride a s a topical a couple of days ago

I'm fascinated by this dutasteride topical experiment. I assume you're using generic to make this?

Nevertheless, isn't it going to be prohibitively expensive to mix and use every day?

Kevin fretwell

Established Member
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No not really . Just add about 7 dollars to the minoxidil price per month and yes I'm using generic .

Kevin fretwell

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Also coupled with the finasteride oral I can add tribulus herb to increase testosterone in system for better growth .The arguement now is wouldn't that increase dht ? Yes it will increase dht but at insignificant levels in scalp due to the additional dutasteride with min .So its a one two punch to an already potent regime of finasteride and ric . I plan on adding 2% flutamide also at a later date once settled into this regime .My vellus hairs are responding well to regime .