Dutasteride (Avodart) vs Finastride


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Well, folks I have used both products while still on Minoxidil 5%. Truth to be told I seem to find that in terms of my hairline at the front of my head and temporal areas that the finastride worked better for me. I could see it in pictures I have taken from last year this time.

The only other thing I could think of is that perhaps the Dutasteride does work as good or better than Finastride but due to my aging my hairloss has increased in intensity. I've decided to maybe double the dose of Dutasteride or go back to Finasteride.

Any one else experimented with the switch from Finasteride to Dutasteride?

Comments appreciated. Thanks.
By the way I'm 34 years old turning 35 in a few months.



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ive read of people that succesfully make the switch, but there side effect's off dutasteride on people with male pattern baldness, isn't really known. Sorry thats all i know