
Tau Fat

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I currently use dutasteride at 0.5 mg twice a week. I had previously finsateride 1.25 per day for 5 years with great results for hair but the effects faded and started slowly losing ground. I then switched to dutasteride 0.5 per day and after two months POW!!! super thickening of the hair. Tragically, bad sides kicked in after 3 months or so. The sides included bloating of the face, moodiness and most troublesome, red flushing of my face a lot of the time. I saw a dermo who said it was rosacea (I was 40 and had never had that problem). I went off dutasteride and saw the same dermo 3 weeks later who said it was weird, but now I obviously did not have rosacea anymore. The bloating went away too. I told him my dutasteride experience and he attributed the sides to increased estrogen. Later I reintroduced dutasteride at 0.5 mg two times per week with good effect and no sides. The effects are fading somewhat and I would like to increase dosage but don't want to get the sides back. Is anyone familiar with any methods/drugs/ etc to counter the estrogen related sides?



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I've been on dutasteride for a month at .5mg a day and have no side effects, hope that helps if any.


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Ive had the exact same problem with dutasteride giving me a puffy face and my cheeks get the same red flushing going on.

Im going to start applying Dr.Pickarts Super Cop Cream, taking fish oil, healthy diet, and lots of cardio and weight training, and see if these problems go away.

Im 9.7% bodyfat which is pretty good considering i never really worked out or exercised too much, although im naturally muscular. My face is def holding tons of water due to dutasteride, and im using a product called AIMF which is a estrogen aromatize inhibitor. I think its helping a bit with energy but i want to get my bodyfat down to 6% and see if i still hold water when on Dutasteride.


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Tau Fat- how long have you been on the .5mg twice a week dosage with no sides? I ask because, as you say, your sides while taking .5mg every day didn't surface until three months in.

SkylineGTR said:

look at the second post there where he talks about combating gyno. All of the pills are "anti-estrogen" pills.

I actually have a month supply of Tamoxifen sitting in my closet in case something happens and i gotta fight it.
I don't like the idea of having to take anti-hormone pills along with my other anti-hormone pills for as long as I'm on the latter anti-hormone pills just to not have b**ch-tits and facial bloating.

btw, does taking anti-estrogen stuff help with sexual sides as well as breast enlargement sides?


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i havent had any sexual sides or breast sides so i dont know(hell had sex 3 times today already). I haven't taken any of the pills. they are there "just in case"


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Well if you use it "just in case" of getting gyno, isn't gyno pretty much totally irreversible without surgery? I don't understand how anti-estrogen pills are supposed to help gyno other than acting as a preventative measure.

Tau Fat

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Fat Elvis et al,

In reply to your query, I am able to take dutasteride 0.5 twice a week for the past two 1/2 years with no sides. My only concern is that it seems to have lost some of its effectiveness lately at that dosage and definitely does not work as well as 0.5 per day.

I have decided to try and do an end run around the fact that I cannot tolerate 0.5 mg of dutasteride a day. If I could that would be the best option. I am going to try a combo approach. I will use a daily dose of good ol' finasteride 1.25 mg plus a dutasteride "booster" shot 3 times per week. I know the prevailing theory is that adding dutasteride to finasteride is pointless as dutasteride is stronger and therefore the finasteride is redundant. I am also aware of the theory that the sides come from DHT inhibition and if my method does increase DHT suppression the sides will come anyway. My experiences however do not bear that out. Also, although very similar in function, dutasteride and finasteride are metabolized differently and many people do notably better re: side effects on one or the other based on their own metabolism and reactions. For example, on finasteride I had a slightly reduced sex drive. On dutasteride my sex drive actually increased in spite of the fact that DHT was more suppressed on dutasteride. Since we still do not know exactly how these meds work to grow hair on individuals (DHT is clearly the main factor but maybe not the only one-TEST and Estrogen changes etc...) and the responses seem quite variable, I am going to try a model similar to that used to burn body fat. We know that caffeine is an ergogenic aid. So is ma huang (ephedrine). Ephedrine is stronger, but combined they work together better than ephedrine alone. Synergy. At least I know that adding finasteride back won't hurt...it was good for me before and just ran out of juice a little.


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Fat-Elvis said:
btw, does taking anti-estrogen stuff help with sexual sides as well as breast enlargement sides?

Yes. Breast enlargement is caused by too much estrogen. Suppressing estrogen causes your body to release more testosterone in an effort to make your body create more estrogen (to keep homeostasis). Testosterone will, in many cases, shrink breast tissue since it can not live in a testosterone rich environment.

Same with sexual side effects. In men, testosterone levels play a huge role in libido levels. Low test = low libido. High test = high libido. Of course, low libido levels can also be caused by high prolactin levels...Which can also be a side effect of dutasteride/finasteride.


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gyno isn't irreversible if its induced by the pills. if you stop the pills it goes away. It's only irreversible if you get it naturally from your hormones and genetics i believe.


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SkylineGTR said:
gyno isn't irreversible if its induced by the pills. if you stop the pills it goes away. It's only irreversible if you get it naturally from your hormones and genetics i believe.

I can't speak to male gyno specifically, but breasts grown in male-to-female transsexuals through taking estrogen and/or anti-androgens remain even after the medications are stopped. True, they may shrink a bit and lose definition, but once that fat is grown, it generally stays.

Breasts grow due to the influence of hormones. It doesn't really matter what creates that hormone balance, be it natural (genetic females) or artificial (drug-induced).