dutasteride giving me b**ch tits. How long until out my system


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Hi Guys,

dutasteride has been giving me b**ch tits (gyno) and I hve had to stop.

I was on 0.5MG ED but I could not control the gyno.

I went to 0.5MG x twice a week for the last month and still fighing a loosing battle. Plus my hair looks shocking

I have dropped the dutasteride and back on Propecia.

How long until the dutasteride is out my system or the sides decrease? Whats it halflife

Also note I am taking 40MG Nolva a day and an Anti Estrogen to get rid of these f*****g side effects.


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You may also want to try out Rebound Reloaded to get rid of gyno. Even people that have had gyno for years and years were reporting either reducing the man-boob size by 50% or almost completely getting rid of it. It's proven to be better than Nolva for ridding gyno.

Course, you could run both...Just remember to come on it gradually and come off it gradually.


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Harie -

do you have any more info on rebound reloaded.... any sides etc from that


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Rebound Reloaded - it basically reduces estrogen levels and elevates testosterone levels. There are hundreds of threads on http://www.bodybuilding.com about rebound XT and rebound reloaded. Many having to do with getting rid of gyno.

There are even a few people that reported getting rid of gyno while doing a cycle of steroids/pro hormones. Though, I definitely wouldn't advise anyone to try that.


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ive stopped taking finasteride because of gyno, where can i get Rebound Reloaded from and how many should i take for how long to get rid of gyno?


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Harie said:
You may also want to try out Rebound Reloaded to get rid of gyno.

I've seen you mention this in a few threads now, Harie. Does this stuff really work? Could you link some real reviews, please? :)

Also, I notice it increases testosterone as well, so would that make using finasteride or dutasteride pointless, or will they be able to block the additional DHT as well?


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You can buy Rebound Reloaded at http://www.bodybuilding.com or many other sites. Just google it.

As for testimonials. Here you go. http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthrea ... bound+gyno The thread is very long, and it's got good and bad reviews. It costs $25/bottle, so it's $2,975 cheaper than the cheapest gyno surgery. :)

If you take Rebound, please be smart and build up to 3 (or 4) pills/day and then back down to 1 pill/day and even 1 EOD.

Dosing schedules - 8 week cycle (Requires 2 bottles)

Week 1: 1 pill/day - take in PM
Week 2: 2 pills/day - 1AM, 1PM
Week 3: 3 pills/day - 1AM, 2PM
Week 4: 4 pills/day - 2AM, 2PM
Week 5: 3 pills/day - 1AM, 2PM
Week 6: 2 pills/day - 1AM, 1PM
Week 7: 1 pill/day - 1PM
Week 8: 1 pill EOD - PM

Dosing schedule -6 week cycle (only use 1 bottle)

Week 1: 1 pill/day - take in PM
Week 2: 2 pills/day - 1AM, 1PM
Week 3: 3 pills/day - 1AM, 2PM
Week 4: 2 pills/day - 1AM, 1PM
Week 5: 1 pill/day - 1PM
Week 6: 1 pill EOD - PM

You can also ramp up a bit quicker if you wish, but definitely ramp down in 1 week increments.

If you notice a ton of acne developing and/or joint pain, decrease Rebound intake by 1 pill/day and modify cycle accordingly.

Also, it seems the general consensus is to also take Tamoxifen or Raloxifene when you're cycling down. Once again...Taper on/off Tamox or Ralox.

Ramp up to 60mg/day of Ralox and run that dosage for at least 1 month before tapering back down, preferably run 60mg/day Ralox for 2 or 3 months...Clinical tests on Ralox have patients use 60mg/day for 3 months.

Lastly - yes, Rebound does increase testosterone and IMO you should take finasteride/dutasteride to counteract any possible increases in DHT you may experience.


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I have this problem of gyno as well. I am getting it from finasteride but I can't stop taking finas cuz I got a transplant so it is really important for me to keep the hair that I have left. I am already using evista, but it isn't doing the trick as I still have the pain. Although I do think that the evista is slowing down the growth of the breast tissue.

I need something that I can use on a long term basis or at least cycle. This Rebound Reloaded stuff seems interesting to me.

What do you think about using it on and off throughout the year?


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blueshard said:
What do you think about using it on and off throughout the year?

You should be fine doing multiple cycles of RR per year. Just be sure to take a decent break from RR after your cycle is over.


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does gyno have to come with painful/itchy nipples?

i've definitely got a lot more fat around my chest than 8 months ago but that could be down to less aerobice exercise and more beer? there is or never has been pain or itching..


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still_trying said:
does gyno have to come with painful/itchy nipples?

i've definitely got a lot more fat around my chest than 8 months ago but that could be down to less aerobice exercise and more beer? there is or never has been pain or itching..

If you have gained weight in the past year, I'd say it's not gyno; but fat. The two are pretty hard to tell apart if there's no sensitive nipples/pain. Lose some weight and if they don't go away, it's gyno.


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Harie said:
still_trying said:
does gyno have to come with painful/itchy nipples?

i've definitely got a lot more fat around my chest than 8 months ago but that could be down to less aerobice exercise and more beer? there is or never has been pain or itching..

If you have gained weight in the past year, I'd say it's not gyno; but fat. The two are pretty hard to tell apart if there's no sensitive nipples/pain. Lose some weight and if they don't go away, it's gyno.
but could that general weight gain be caused by the finasteride/dutasteride?


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Fat-Elvis said:
but could that general weight gain be caused by the finasteride/dutasteride?

I honestly don't know if finasteride/dutasteride causes people to gain weight. I don't think I've ever read about that side effect. Depending on how old you are, it's possible that your metabolism has just slowed down. Or, that you are just more inactive than you once were (possibly without even realizing it).

Your best bet is to lose some weight first, and if what you think is gyno doesn't go away even after getting down to a pretty low fat percentage, then there are other things you can try.


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The thing is I've heard of dutasteride/finasteride causing "puffiness" and bloating, in the face and in other areas. I'm not sure what exactly that means, but I assume it means extra fat.