dutasteride in New zealand



any kiwis out there who use dutasteride? do you have any problems getting it in the country where do you buy it from?



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I have not imported dutasteride but I have done some research into it.
Basically most online drug stores will not ship to new zealand because customs seizes alot of medications. I have imported proscar from a small online drug store based in argentina and have only had it siezed once out of around 7 importations. I have emailed a small online hairloss site called genhair.com who say they will ship to new zealand. They suggested not getting it sent courier as customs are more likely to inspect it. They sell generic dutasteride at around 15us for 10 which with shipping works out to about 214 nz dollars for a 3 month supply or a 4 month supply if u decide to take it just 5 times a week because of its long halflife. Also. If it is siezed you will likely recive a letter stating that they will hold it for 30 days and you can send a note from your Doctor if you want to recive it. Also your doctor can import dutasteride for you I bealive. It depends if you are ok with talking to a dr about this I guess. In july next year nz should adopt polices with simmilar views on importation of medication as austrlia's which allows for the importation of personal use I bealive.
I hope this helps. By the way in Genhairs shipping faq they state they will refund if not delivered. Id be interested to know if you try and import and what your results are so keep informed. Thanks.