dutasteride shed is here, panic sets in!



Yes, exactly what I wanted to avoid has happened to me now. I am shedding like crazy...... Yesterday I must have lost about 150 hairs. Incredible. I can feel that my hair is getting thinner and thinner every day. You should see the floor in my room. There are THOUSANDS of hairs lying everywhere now that I don´t have the time to clean it. Scary, simply scary. Damn, I gotta learn for the exams, but half of the day I have to think about my hair. Hairloss is ruining my life.

I don´t know what to do.
Shall I stop dutasteride because my it makes my hairloss worse? Is my shedding not caused by dutasteride but simply my hairloss getting more agressive and dutasteride is the only way to stop it? Ride it out?

I am desperate, the next weeks are gonna decide the future of my life. There is absolutly no way that I am gonna live without hair. I have been searching into wigs, Toppik, hair transplants but all of these options don´t seem to help me with my problem. If it is getting worse I will kill myself, there is no other solution. I might live as an ugly, lonely loser. But I am NOT gonna live without my hair. No way!

I think I have only about 20000 hairs left on top of my head (thank god equally spread) out of more than 100000 hairs a few years ago. And it is getting less and less.......Incredible, inspite of being on Finasteride for almost one year. In a few weeks when the exams are over I am gonna post a big update and you will be shocked how little the "treatments" have done for my hair.



you weren't born with 100,000 hairs on top of your head. you were born with 100,000 spread out over front, back, top and sides maybe. if you're diffuse in nw4 area you prob only had 40,000 hairs max in that area to begin with. prob more like 30,000. so to say you've lost 20,000 is bs. total bs.


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taug calm down, what dose are you on at the moment? i'm a big fan of starting off at 0.5 mg a week and working from there. shave your head for a week or two maybe, will stop you thinking aout hte shed at least.


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taug,this may be a good sign for you,i have never had a shed as such and dutasteride has ended my hair,i think a shed early on might be a positive sign


stick with it. your hair thats shedding now will continue to shed whether you go off the treatment or stay on it, all that it means is that new hair is growing in. most people that quit during a shed kick themselves afterwards. stick it out!


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Taug you should have your hair short. You can study better. Believe me. I went through the same thing. Keep hair short in times where concentration demands.


yeah man. relax. my shed has been killing me for the past few weeks, so i just cut my hair short. problem solved. and i usually have long hair. you'll be fine. before you know it, that hair will be comming right back in.


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Taug in your phase of life you must be pragmatic about yourself.

Long hair is very cool. Gives us beauty and some (though little) confidence. But right now that beauty wont bring want you expect or your immediate desires.

Of course studies wont give want you want but it will be the base of dreams in future. So be patient. Buzz your hair and focus on your future not your present.


hey man, the ladies have been feelin' my short hair since i cut it. i might just keep it once my Telogen Effluvium is gone.




Shed you arround the Head?

Hairs arround the ears- back off the Head



Jesus, instead of learning I spent HOURS of just taking pictures of my crown with my cell phone. Incredible how bad it has become. I even doubt that finasteride helped at all. I mean, I have been shedding less and I got side effects but my hair got worse and worse. I will have to order Toppik for my crown. I am basically bald there. How humilating :cry: :cry:

I wanted to grow out my hair one last time in my life, but I am thinking about shaving the whole sh*t off. I just can´t tolerate it anymore. Everytime I see another fallen soldier I feel like someone is ripping out my heart.

There is nothing worse than balding, it is like dying a slow, painful death.


no, it is only the classical male pattern baldness areas where I am losing hair. Never on the sides..... :cry:


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honestly shave your head.
when i was shedding like crazy all i though about was my hair and when i wasnt thinking about it if i saw one strand of hair id start thining about my hair loss again. I remember when i was studying id focus on my studies but when i saw a hair on my notebook my focus would be on that hair. so as a solution i shaved my head so i wouldnt notice any sheding and if i go out i wear a hat so the sun dosnt burn my scalp.
I suggest you try it


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i think the shedding might be a good sign, i was shedding crazy right at 3 months and i still shed a bit now, but everything looks the same if not a bit better, try to shrug it off for awhile, who knows u might be pleasantly surprised in a month or so from now.