Dutasteride should raise flag to science community...


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Correct me if i'm wrong but if dutasteride(dutesteride) is supposed to inhibit both types of DHT, and since the hair loss science industry all apparently agree that it is DHT that causes male pattern baldness, then dutasteride MUST work!! But apparently it does not(at least not significantly enough), so does that raise the question that the whole hair loss science industry is wrong on their assumption about DHT being the cause for male pattern baldness?????


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Why do you say that dutasteride doesn't work? The manufacturer decided not to spend the money it takes to get it FDA approved for hair loss. That was an economic decision, not a treatment-based decision. While it has to be considered experimental, it likely works better than Propecia does because it does the same thing that finasteride does, only at higher levels -- i.e., it reduces DHT in the scalp to a greater degree than finasteride does.


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Ok maybe i did'nt make myself clear enough.
fact 1 - the general accepted scientific theory is that DHT causes male pattern baldness.
fact 2 - dutasteride is proven to inhibit both types of DHT. (i.e. very little DHT left in the body)

so, my conclusion: dutasteride must work, fully, on everyone, without exception, for male pattern baldness.

If not, then either fact 1 or fact 2 is wrong!

Please let me know where my logic goes sour?!?!


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oh i see now... so fact 1 is wrong!

So now DHT is NOT being seen as the main culprit for male pattern baldness!?!?

Dammit- Knew it would'nt be that simple. Who knows how many more variables are responsable...just look how hard it is to control a simple common cold.

Sorry to sound depressing here but i have very little hope on cures... try to name just one proven medical cure for anything (aside from penicillin maybe)


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DHT is a culprit for MBP, not the only culprit. The actual mechanism is not fully understood. There is now some research which appears to indicate that for some people DHT plays a much greater role in male pattern baldness than for others, depending on certain genetic factors.