dutasteride: the general consensus?


Established Member
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Effective drug if you can afford it?
Not worth the risks of side effects?
The best option to fight hair loss?
Makes hair loss even worse?

I remember being really excited a couple years ago when dutasteride first came out, but then I read posts on several forums about people whose temples went buh-bye after committing to dutasteride.

Anyone have any thoughts or experiences they can share regarding this drug?


Experienced Member
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Here are my answers based purely on what Ive read online.

Effective drug if you can afford it?

It appears to work twice as good as propecia, so for many people yes. Others who have had no luck with propecia, no.

Not worth the risks of side effects?

Some people probably wont get any, probably about twice as many as propecia users with sides will get them using dutasteride. So 20% will find they cant tolerate it.

The best option to fight hair loss?

Probably yes, from what I understand it even works on frontal hairline issues.

Makes hair loss even worse?

I cant imagine how, but there will probably be some people who the drug does not agree with that makes it worse. My guess is less than 1%.