dutasteride topical with finasteride oral and just fine

Kevin fretwell

Established Member
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Although I did feel a little wierd the first application maybe due to drop in serum dht relatively quickly . I feel they are compatable in this fashion . I'm going on two months on finasteride and my hair has improved and I have bunches of vellus hairs that I can't wait to see pigmented maybe in a couple of months . I think the 2% dutasteride will firther increase speed of recovery .I should photo this because it may be a very potent approach to hair growth .


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Did you take any pictures Kevin?

I for one will be interested to see how you get on with this treatment.

Are you still getting the weird feeling?


Established Member
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did you make the topical dutasteride yourself? can you apply minoxidil before or after? this sounds interesting.


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bluenun said:
Did you take any pictures Kevin?

I for one will be interested to see how you get on with this treatment.

Are you still getting the weird feeling?

Your hair looks great! Start off small man........

I don't even think you need treatments, you barely even have a mature hairline.

Green Soap

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So dutasteride is a liquid and you are just mixing that with your minoxidil, is that right?

You are poking holes in the dutasteride pill and getting it in the dropper?

Kevin fretwell

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the wierd feeling went away . I was feeling hot flashes a little bit but they went away also .I'll take pictures as well . Dr. Reedy's are gel caps that can be poked and squeezed to drip dutasteride into min bottle and shook vigorously and presto . Six caps is good , don't over do it because dutasteride stays in your scalp for awhile so don't go stupid and drop twenty caps thinking it will increase hair growth . Not to forget finasteride intake consideration

Side Show Bob

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In your profile, you mention DMSO. Are you adding this to your Rogaine/dutasteride topical?

If so how much and what brand and percentage of DMSO (100% or 70/30% with aloe)?


Green Soap

Established Member
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This is a fantastic idea... I think I may do the same. Yes, URL please! Easy to order? Or do I mean a prescription? Please say no.

Kevin fretwell

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Actually I was intending to ad dmso but left it out when I had read on the blister packet that the pills come in that dutasteride is absorbed readily throught the skin and thus shouldn't be handled by pregnant females .There are a bunch of pharmacies outside the U.S that you can get dutasteride with nonprescription just shop around . http://www.inhousepharmacy.com is one but there's probably even cheaper ones out there .Actually to advance our cause you guys should at least try to locate other sites nonpharmacy for a little cheaper . Just a thought though .Also you might want to apply just one application of this concotion then wait a couple of days at least to see if there's any side effects that you can't handle or to allow for the mild hot flashes to subside do to falling dht levels , then proceed with daily . You'll experience a loss in labito and maybe loss of even erection possably but they will subside .I feel that my hairs are 100% protected right now because I have not seen one hair fallen out since a week ago when I started .

Pirate Commander F.B.

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I used topical dutasteride for about 6 months last year as my only treatment. I ordered it to use internally, but didn't have the balls so I made a topical out of it. It did absolutely nothing.

According to Bryan, the only study that showed succes for topical finasteride used a lotion/cream as the carrier. So I think dumping some dutasteride (although a different molecule than finasteride) in your minoxidil will do nothing for you. Yes you say you haven't seen a hair fall out since you started it, but you've been on finasteride for 2 months (I'm at 2 weeks now btw). It's most likely the finasteride that's kicking in.

Of course, there are no study's on topical dutasteride. But as I said, I used it for 6 months. No results whatsoever. Best thing would be to mix it in dermovan.

I had read on the blister packet that the pills come in that dutasteride is absorbed readily throught the skin and thus shouldn't be handled by pregnant females .

The same thing applies to finasteride. That doesn't mean it will do anything FOR HAIR if you rub some finasteride pills on your head though.

Kevin fretwell

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I hear what your saying but there is no dismissing the fact that on the blister pack the pills come in stating "dutasteride is absorbed through the skin" . let me type that again incase you didn't read it thoroughly "Dutasteride is absorbed through the skin" .Need I say more?


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I think this is another thread that could be moved to "Experimental or Unproven Treatments"

Show me a study that shows that this works, and maybe I'll believe you.

"I've been using it for a week and my hair stopped falling out" doesn't mean anything.

Kevin fretwell

Established Member
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Of course when I typed that remark I had finasteride considered and in no way did I mean to heap the results of no shedding on the dutasteride application . Yeah , I guess this could be swung over to the experimental thread but whos bringing finicky politics into this .Look , I'm only trying to advance our cause here .Therefore I'll just take picures of my hair and leave it at that untill another two months I'll post the pics .When I have a full head of hair in a year and you don't don't come crying to this post .Enough said