Dutasteride users please read.


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Hi. I've been using 1/4's of proscar for the last 3-4 months in the hope that it would stop my frontal recession. I've had some success in slowing the loss down but my hairline has been slowly disapearing. Foolishly I stopped taking finasteride for two weeks in the vain hope that my hairloss might have settled down + also reading other posts by people blaming finasteride for ruining there hairline. What a big mistake that was. My hair is long and I tie it back with a parting down the centre of my head. Over the past two weeks my frontal loss (which was holding on finasteride) has moved back by about 1cm and if it gets any worse I will have to shave my head and I will be utterly depressed (I'm already taking 1200mg of SAM-e a day becauase of this).

Anyway I decided last night that money was no option and decided to get some dustasteride and possilby fluridil. I just need some questions answered by some dutasteride users:

1. What sort of results would I see if I switched to dutasteride. Because my hairloss is so severe even 1.25mg of finasteride wasn't stopping my side frontal recession. Would Dust be able to stop this?

2. What sort of side effects would I get from using this drug i.e. loss of libido, mental fog etc?

3. Is there any long term health problems with using this drug as it stops both types of 5-alpha-reductase enzymes?

4. If and when I get some duta how should I make the switch from finasteride to dutasteride?

Any more info from users (good or bad) would be appreciated as I need to order some today. Also, I live in the U.K. and where would be the best place to get it?

Thanks in advance.


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What is Sam-e ?


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SAM-e has nothing to do in helping my hair. Its used to boost my mood as I've been quite low lately. SAM-e is an acronym for S-adenosyl-L-methionine, a natural compound found in every human cell and involved in over 35 biochemical processes in the body. Low levels of SAM-e in the body have been correlated with depression. It hardly has any side-effects but is quite expensive to buy.



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Whether you're taking dutasteride or finasteride, you have to give it much longer than 3-4 months. The dutasteride is going to take 90 days just to build up in your system, although it will suppress DHT formation more effectively than finasteride much quicker than that. Still, don't expect to see any improvement in your hairline for six months or longer.

JJ Gittes

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Fluridil and dutasteride are a good combo. I think it's doing the job for me.

However, I honestly think you need to give finasteride at least six months and preferably a year before you bail. 3-4 months isn't long enough.