Duts it thickens hair and promotes growth, side effects thou


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am a 25 year old man, whos had thinning hair for around 7 years now.

I took the leap of faith a year ago and tried Avodart / Dutasteride.

I had amazing results which lasted months after I stopped taking the drug.

However, the overal effect to my body was rather disconcerting.

I had lower back pain due to I belive problems withe my kidneys.
Inability to concentrate
Degridation of short term and or temporary memory facilities.
Strange Skin irritations on my lower back.
ALmost complete nail and body hair growth slow down.
Anxiety and Panic attacks.

I have had people tell me that these syptoms were probably all in my head, but I think they were more right than they thought...

I do belive that the 5AR-1 enzyme is directly related to alot of CNS and higher brain functions and blocking this hormone had serval adverse effects.

But it can not be denied, that the hair follices on my entire head, folrished, my hair even became darker and felt thicker and stronger at the roots.

I am at a point again, where the positive effects of the Avodart or Dutasteride have subsided and my hair is once again loosing its shine, and life.

Would my best bet be to try a lower dosage, perhaps once a week? or would propecia be a better option.

At the end of the day, I dont want to comprimise my ability to live my life, just cause I choose to make attempts to keep my hair.

Its quit clear that my hairloss is caused by this unwanted hormone, but how do I stop if getting under my skin, on my head, but keep it for the other functions in the body???

How do I go about coninuting with this type of treatment, and get around the nasty side effects... well most of them any way!



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How long had you been taking dutasteride when you first noticed the side effects? I've been taking it for almost three months now. I've noticed a bit of a drop in libido, but that's it, and that seems to be returning to normal now. I'm wondering if I'm past the point when side effects are most likely.


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Re: Duts it thickens hair and promotes growth, side effects

bobbylocksville said:
Would my best bet be to try a lower dosage, perhaps once a week? or would propecia be a better option.
At the very least you should get onto Propecia/Proscar to bring your DHT levels down. Alternatively you could try taking one .5mg dutasteride capsule every other day. I did just that for 15 months, after prolonged Propecia usage failed to halt my frontal loss, and I was side-effect free.

Four months ago I went up to a daily dose of dutasteride and for the first 3 months I suffered a light-headed, almost dizzy, sensation approx. 3 hours after dosing, which then endured for the next few hours. So, nowhere near as severe as you experienced but an indication that a less frequent dose might be tolerable for you.



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so if I had positve effects from taking dutasteride after 6 months, I should just try a lower dosage?

I thought perhaps once a week, but is that enough?



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Why not try it once a week and see what happens...

If there is a fear of side effects, it may bring you more peace of mind to follow what you think will be effective. As time goes on you can adjust the dosage if needed. Just a thought...



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i am taking it each other day , but after my steroid cycle is over i will take it every 3rd day :)

as far as the side effects go i cant tell if the muscle cramps i have is from dutasteride or from lifting hard at the gym and the muscle growth im experiecing:)


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d00fy said:
i am taking it each other day , but after my steroid cycle is over i will take it every 3rd day :)

as far as the side effects go i cant tell if the muscle cramps i have is from dutasteride or from lifting hard at the gym and the muscle growth im experiecing:)

You're taking steroids? You know they cause hairloss right? They also cause your testicles to shrink and you wind up with b**ch tits.


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bobbylocksville said:
so if I had positve effects from taking dutasteride after 6 months, I should just try a lower dosage?

I thought perhaps once a week, but is that enough?
I remember Bryan, one of the more knowledgeable posters on this site, saying that dutasteride taken every five days would result in a level of DHT reduction comparable to that achieved from a daily dose of Finasteride. So, if you feel uncomfortable taking a dose more frequently than once per week (i.e. every second day, as I suggested before), you may as well use finasteride.
