Dying My Hair


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alrite, over summer time this year I dyed my hair like 4 times in one month (I know, dumb of me) then a month after, I did it twice more, then once more after that........ now I think im balding..... because I have really thin THIN hair right now, im only 17 too... and its so depressing..... can thinning of hair me temporary and caused only by the dye... will my hair be thick and nice again if I stop dying it and just shampoo and take care of my hair? PLZ I need some serious help.....


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If you're using over-the-counter hair dies, these don't cause balding.


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What about hair bleach? In sophomore year of high school, I used to bleach ALL of my hair once a month for a couple of months. Then senior year of high school my hair started thinning.....just on the top though. Could there be any kind of correlation?


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If you use really, really harsh chemicals on your hair consistentlyl over a period of time, and you have fine and/or brittle hair, it could cause problems, yes. But that is very unlikely for the typical hair dyes. Bleach is a lot stronger than dyes.


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well, alrite. Say my hair thinned from the products..... could thous products now produce my balding phases? or did it just burn the hair thin, and say I shaved my head and let new hair grow out, it will be fine...??


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I really don't know, but I believe that your hair should grow back, unless the products somehow did permanent damage. You would have to see a doctor I guess to get an informed opinion.


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alrite..... I guess just stressing about this isent helping... probably making it worse, well I shaved my head! IM BALD NOW! yea I look ugly I think... b/c my hair just made me dam sexy, but lets see if this new hair regrows nicely and thick and I hope that it was the dye that made my hair dead thin. Well thx mvp dood, I appreciate your help. :)


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I would got on 2000- 3000 mgs a day of MSM, right away. This will help your hair grow in better and faster. It's great for your skin also. You can get it at any GNC or pharmacy store.


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Moved to General Hairloss Discussion :)

The way I understand it...bleach works by stripping away at hair. So if you bleached it several times in a month it can make the hair appear thin.
I would also think that if you did any serious damage you would have had a red and irritated scalp.

I used to lighten my hair for about 6-7 years and it stayed very healthy but I could feel that it dried and stripped the hair.
Then a couple years later male pattern baldness struck.

Is there ANYONE in your family with hairloss. ?


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When I first started to see that I was lossing my hair. I thought that my dying it was the cause of it. But dying your hair with other the counter or at a profess stylist will not make your hair go bald. Now bleaching your hair is a different story. Bleaching kills or damage the root of the hair. But you should you dyed your hair multiple times in a short period. That my damage your hair I dont know if it will. You may be lossing hair because your have a background of male pattern baldness in your family and it starts at a early age. You may want to go your doctor and ask.


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StevenSutter said:
yes, my dad and my moms dad, and they both started to bald at around 40 years of age

Age doesn't matter much. The fact that it's in your family does matter.
I guess keep an eye on it for now. Since you shaved your head you'll have to wait until it grows in to be able to tell for sure whether it's male pattern baldness.
A visit to a dermatologist may be a good idea.
