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Anybody tried Easypiece for hair systems and if so what are your thoughts on their quality etc...
The price looks ok and they seem to have everything nailed but then again it is only a website so caution has to be exersised :woot: So honest reviews please!
Reason being is that i am about to order some new systems and was wondering about whether to give them a shot?
Trouble is i haven't seen much feedback on them. :dunno:


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I like their website on initial inspection.

Haven't tried them myself. Feedback so far has been mixed, however.

Personally I think their basic/premium pricing model sucks. It basically suggests: if you pay normal price, you're getting an inferior product. I also don't really like all their crapola terminology: 'factory evolution', 'easypiece beta', etc. Makes me want to vomit.

Would be good to hear from people who've actually tried them.


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I am with you on that Boomdock :agree:
Although what they are really trying to do regarding the basic system is guiding you to part with a few extra bucks for the premier system,reverse phsycology of sorts :dunno:
I might give them a go as they can't be any worse than some of the internet companies :whistle: regarding specs and delivery times :sobbing:
Just want to know before i do order whether anyone has had any systems from them?
Incedently i signed up for their beta testing months ago,but sadly i never got the chance :shakehead: to try any,again that could have been marketing gimmicks just to make us think that they went to ll the expense and trouble of 'sourcing prestige factories' :whistle:


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What kind of piece are you currently wearing Machman, if you don't mind my asking?


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Toplace,all swiss.
I have had HD,Hollywood and BA in the past also but i am interested to see what Easypiece has to offer and see if they are any better?


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andrei_eremenko said:
so between all these what do you find better? have you tried those korean from BA?
To be perfectly honest here,when they get the specs right there isn't really much of a difference.
Regarding the new Korean pieces from BA they do look the part and the ventilation is top notch.I have a friend who ordered one and he seems happy although he thinks the hair is a bit straw like and not as soft and forgiving as the Chinese pieces BA was selling.
Don't know,i think i will wait a while yet to see how the reviews on them pan out(shedding,hair quality etc..) before i even begin to think to order one of them,but they do look the biz!
Anyway i have placed an order with Easypiece,the buget option,just to see how they are and if i am happy i will try one of their premium ones and try that out.
I will keep you all posted as to what they are like when it arrives in around 8 weeks time.
So has anyone got an Easypiece system?


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ok recieved my hair system from Easypiece,the buget option, and straight out of the envelope it looks good.
Hair quality seems very good,ventilation is good and the density seems on the lighter scale,but no worries there either.
I ordered the tuff lace that they were promoting and it is just like regular Sfs which disapears very well with glue and also it is very light and very breathable for the scalp, so whether the Tuff lace is more durable i will have to wait and find out,but i will keep you posted on that.
I also went for the invisable knots and they look great,not one knot to be seen anywhere.
I won't be getting it cut in for a couple of weeks yet so again i will let you all know what the outcome is with it fully atached and cut in.
So to sumerise i would say,so far so good.
The wearing of the system is the real test especially the shedding (although again this system is coated with a knot sealer to help aliviate the problem) and colour fade issues that can plague some systems.
So far a thumbs up from me :bravo:
If anyone is interested then give there site a look over.


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Hi Jake,yes i got it cut in and so far so good!
In fact i am very impressed by this system,colour not fading,no shedding and the hair goes where you want it to go natuarly, so for me i will defo order from them again if this quality is anything to go by. :bravo:


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Hi Andrei,
Sorry i can't help you there but i don't do pictures for numerous reasons.
But i am sure that the Easypiece site has a few up and maybe if you search the web then you may find a few more?