Eclipta Alba


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When researching natural hair regrowth items once I found the cause of my hair loss (atopic dermatitis, dustmites), I stumbled into a little thing called eclipta alba. It's apparently a herb that's been used in traditional Hindu medicine for generations.

I was surprised to see there was some data supporting the idea it helps with hair regrowth. According to,

"Hair regrowth has been noted in repeated studies with the petroleum ether extract mostly, and its potency rivals that ofMinoxidil at 2% solution; combination thrapy of Eclipta Alba with two other herbs (Citrullus Colocynthis and Cuscuta Reflexa) has outperformed Minoxidil according to one study."

So, I decided to purchase it. Item came around October. Been using it religiously each day since.

It has definitely helped speed up hair regrowth for me. All the years of atopic dermatitis plus secondary folliculitis left me with numerous small bald spots across my crown and vertex. These have successfully filled up with awoken follicles (small dark dots). You can see evidence of this in my recent pictures.

Just wanted to share both the literature and my personal experience with this nifty herb for all of you looking to recover from similar ordeals. Godspeed to you all.


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Thanks for the feedback.

Here are the notes I had collected on this herb -

Mo Han Lian (Eclipta, Eclipta prostrata)
This herb has a long history of use in hair growth promoting formulas in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. (Roy et al. 2008; Chen and Chen 2009; Datta et al. 2009) Eclipta is known to dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow (i.e., perfusion). (Chen and Chen 2009) The herb also appears to stimulate hair growth by modulating growth factors. (Datta et al. 2009) Eclipta can be used successfully both orally or topically. (Shen Lu 2011) In animal studies, the topical application of Eclipta has demonstrated equal effectiveness at increasing hair growth as the drug Rogaine (i.e., minoxidil) (Datta et al. 2009)


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How do you use this? Pill? topical? how much do i need? where can i get it?
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From what I've read is that it supposedly works both internally and topically. I'm thinking of trying some of the hair oil. There are some reasonably priced brands out there. You can also get it in powder form but I don't know how well it dissolves.


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If you decide to take it orally, which will likely provide benefits in addition to taking it topically, you would be fine with about 1.5 g per day of the whole herb. You can make a tea from it. I generally take the remaining herb and blend into my smoothie.


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i think its also an ingredient of "puressentiel serum antichute" (NO SCAM) french hype thing i found on a forum (no results posted yet)