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Re: Hollywoodlace.com need help ordering

timguyperson said:
well...this forum sucks

ROFL! hahhaha LOL OMG....that is funny! Hey dont feel bad...When i first started posting i would answer myself at times due to no responses. lol.....hahhahahah I dont know else to tell you...haha but I am having a hell of a laff. Hello? Hello? anyone there...? Anyone care?


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Re: Hollywoodlace.com need help ordering

timguyperson said:
well...this forum sucks

Well with that attitude I would not expect alot of responses. Dan is right, give it a bit, you will get responses.


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Re: Hollywoodlace.com need help ordering

timguyperson said:
well...this forum sucks

There isn't a lot of toupee wearers left and less every day.

To me your title make its seem like you need help with the functionality of the Hollywoodlace.com website, not with getting a toupee itself.

If it had said something like..."Help me decide on a toupee" I suspect the response would have been different. Think before you complain.

:whistle: xoxoxoxoxoxo


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Re: Hollywoodlace.com need help ordering

Because being caught wearing a hair piece would be a billion times more embaressing than just being bald. It projects insecurity, and that's unattractive in men. Also, 90% of them can be spotted a hundred feet away. It takes lots of practice, research, and money to get one that looks right.

Honestly, I think you should forget the piece. You have a nice head shape. Buzz it tight and move on.


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Re: Hollywoodlace.com need help ordering

timguyperson said:
By the way, why are there less and less toupee wearers?

a few reasons IMO

- its more socially acceptable to be bald nowadays
- they are a massive pain in the ***
- so many people have worn bad ones its been horribly mocked


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Re: Hollywoodlace.com need help ordering

There are PLENTY of hairpiece wearers out there, and because the technology has improved so much, there are more and more every day. This includes a lot of younger guys (in their 20's) and middle-aged guys (40's - 60's) who know that we live in a youth-oriented world and that hanging onto a job or successfully applying for a new job depends to some extent on looking young and energetic.


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Re: Hollywoodlace.com need help ordering

To the genius who is cutting down peolple for wearing hairpieces:why are you even on this site?Do you have nothing better to do than to rip on people who wear harpieces?It's called vanity man!!!How many sex symbols can you think of in Hollywood?None.Hair is beautiful and when you can order affordable hairpices on line why not have a full head of hair.Take that Kojak!!!!


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Re: Hollywoodlace.com need help ordering

Just wanted to add that Leading Man and Woman based out of LA is pretty good but i have given Hollywood Lace a shot so I'll be back w/my opinions once the hairpiece is received.Go Steelers!!!!


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Re: Hollywoodlace.com need help ordering

dnice said:
To the genius who is cutting down peolple for wearing hairpieces:why are you even on this site?Do you have nothing better to do than to rip on people who wear harpieces?It's called vanity man!!!How many sex symbols can you think of in Hollywood?None.Hair is beautiful and when you can order affordable hairpices on line why not have a full head of hair.Take that Kojak!!!!

Who are you referring to? The only person I saw who said anything "negative" was Cassin who actually said he would not want the hassle of wearing one which is not negative but just his opinion and he even stated that too if you read what he wrote. So I have to say two things to you GENIOUS.

1. Way to dig up an old thread on you first post and act like an ***.

2. Cassin is a very well respected and long time Moderator and member of these boards as well as my friend so THAT is why he is on this site.

If you were in fact referring to him keep in mind that disrespecting Mods/Admin here is an automatic banable offense and if you were not referring to him I would like to know who you were referring to.

Welcome to HairLossTalk.com and GO DOLPHINS :) .


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Re: Hollywoodlace.com need help ordering

Dear Mr Propecia,I was referring to Cassin.Before I am unceremoniously banned from this site let me explain myself.The reason I think i reacted that way is because of his comments about hairpieces not being socially acceptable.Why is he making a comment like that on a website called Hairloss Talk.com?The reason I'm here is because i dont want to face the reality of being bald.The last thing i need is a reality check.There are only about 500 websites selling hairpieces.Does that sound socially unacceptable to you?If I offended you or Mr Cassin I do apologize.I guess I didnt like his(seemingly) know it all attitude.I'm really a nice guy.As far as me being an *** maybe i was a little bit.I hardly think this is deserving of a ban.
P.S. When did the Dolphins last win a Super Bowl?During the war in Vietnam or something? :>)


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Re: Hollywoodlace.com need help ordering

LOL! I like you already!. Dolphins won the last Superbowl in..... yeah a long time ago although they went in 1984 with Dan Marino and lost. As far as everything else we are all good on my end and appology accepted. Enjoy the forums and thank you for your response.

Take Care,


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Re: Hollywoodlace.com need help ordering

Thank you very much.I do appreciate it.As previously stated I'll come back whenever my order is received from Hollywood Lace and give everyone a full report on my experience with them.Thanks again and God Bless.


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Re: Hollywoodlace.com need help ordering

Hi everyone.I promised you a review on the systems that I puchased from Hollywood Lace.com so here it is.The systems pretty much sucked.I ordered two freestyle units w/Swiss lace front.I couldnt even style the hair off my forehead.It was like the hair had a mind of its own.What is the point of having a lace front if you cant even show it off?To anyone thinking of purchasing from this company I'd think twice about ordering freestyle or any style for that matter.There you have it my fellow bald brethren.Beware of Hollywood Lace.
PS To my fellow football fan Mr Propecia Junkie:Go 'PHINS!!!!