Hi, I'm wondering if anyone has any reliable information or first-hand accounts of how applying 70% or 90% isopropyl alcohol to the skin/scalp affects hair follicles. The reason I ask is that I switched to using isopropyl alcohol (on a paper towel, slightly diluted with water most times) to "clean up" my hairline after applying concealers about 18 months ago, and in that same time I've lost a lot of ground in the hairline region (front as well as sides/temples, all of which I apply the alcohol on). Note that I generally only do this 1-3 times per week.
I googled of course and everything seems to point back to this one page, or at least reiterates its findings: https://www.livestrong.com/article/276802-isopropyl-alcohol-effects-on-hair/
Is it just that it's drying to existing hair or can it actually damage the follicles themselves?
I googled of course and everything seems to point back to this one page, or at least reiterates its findings: https://www.livestrong.com/article/276802-isopropyl-alcohol-effects-on-hair/
Is it just that it's drying to existing hair or can it actually damage the follicles themselves?