Effect of Propecia equal among age groups?


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I have read that, the earlier the signs of MBP occours, the more severe the MBP will most likely get. I have also read, that Propecia and Rogaine/Regaine works best, if you're young and have just experienced the symptoms of MBP.

Now, looking at the chart at Propecia.com, it seems that the average user of Propecia will gain hairs in the first two years and then slowly loose hairs in a trend that looks, as if the hair will be back from where it started a good ten years later. Of course, this is average, and does not apply to everyone.

My question is: being 19 years of age, can I statistically expect the same results as an average user? Does the Propecia trials show difference in response in different age groups?

Thanks in advance


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In Sweden, Propecia is recommended for use in males of age 20-24 within the early stages of male pattern baldness.