Effectiveness of Andractim on Gyno (Enden?)

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This is primarily aimed at Enden, but how effective is Andractim at relieving gyno? Has anyone had experience with this? I've seen a lot of threads but no real "yeah it worked for me".

I've come to the painful realisation that if you're gonna grow hair on your head, some people are gonna grow other things too.

Everytime I quit finasteride it goes down anyway, but I wanna see if this actually will work whilst I stay on it.

What are the sides?
How long should treatment of the gel last? I've read as little as 10 days.

If there are no real sides from rubbing this stuff in your chest then I don't see what I've got to lose.



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It's very effective, and the best treatment there is for gynecomastia. The trick is to only use enough to saturate the androgen receptors in the breast area, to avoid systemic absorption and possible side effects. I have a lot of experience with it. In my case, it removed all the lumps within 1 - 2 weeks. Gynecomastia is painful when it grows, and Andractim gel will relieve the pain within minutes after an application. I never use the spatula, just squeeze a little drop on my finger and rub it in thoroughly.


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Enden, do you think this would do anything for gyno left over from puberty? I have some on both breasts (symmetrical, not unilateral thank god) left over, and when I lose a lot of weight I still have some visible tissue there. I believe this is gland, because I can sort of move it around. It's not very substantial, but I would definitely like for it to be gone.

Do you think andractim would help with this? Also, is this stuff legal to obtain? If not, can you get a prescription for it from your doctor?

I haven't noticed any additional growth since I started on finasteride, so I’m fairly certain what I have is left over from puberty. I'm worried surgery is the only answer, but it doesn’t bother me nearly enough to fork out $5,000 for it to be repaired..


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get an echo before start any treatment


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Wuffer said:
Enden, do you think this would do anything for gyno left over from puberty? I have some on both breasts (symmetrical, not unilateral thank god) left over, and when I lose a lot of weight I still have some visible tissue there. I believe this is gland, because I can sort of move it around. It's not very substantial, but I would definitely like for it to be gone.

Do you think andractim would help with this? Also, is this stuff legal to obtain? If not, can you get a prescription for it from your doctor?

I haven't noticed any additional growth since I started on finasteride, so I’m fairly certain what I have is left over from puberty. I'm worried surgery is the only answer, but it doesn’t bother me nearly enough to fork out $5,000 for it to be repaired..
Unfortunately, gynecomastia gets permanent after a while, which makes surgery the only solution. However, Andractim is still worth a shot IMO. A tube doesn't cost much compared to surgery.

Andractim (androstanolone/DHT) is scheduled as an anabolic-androgen steroid. Whether or not it's legal to import, depends on the law where you live. It's illegal to import where I live, but I'll do it again if I have to. It's possible to get a prescription from a doctor, but I think most doctors are likely to recommend surgery instead.

I recommend allsaintsclinic.org
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Whether or not it's legal to import, depends on the law where you live. It's illegal to import where I live

Where do you live?

I just checked out All Saints Clinic and have to say that seems like a bit of a rip off. I'd happily buy one tube for £30 (that's all I'd need), just to try it out, but you HAVE to buy two tubes and a PSA Kit (whatever that is!) if you're a first time buyer, which comes to over £100.


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Well, I would have to pay more for ONE tube if a doctor would prescribe it to me - so IMO it's cheap. The reason you have to buy a PSA kit the first time as well, shows you that they're serious. AAS may cause problems with the prostate, and the PSA kit will tell you whether or not Andractim is safe to use to treat estrogen dominance.
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Hmm I dunno I'm about a month into 1.25mg of finasteride and as expected, the gyno is back and getting worse than before (I guess to the higher dose.) Was bad enough on 1mg. Hair is growing back too, it's such a head f***.

When your hair is falling out you'll do anything to get it back, and think meh I can handle the gyno if it means I have hair! Then you find yourself in that situation, and...oh man its not easy.

I just wanna try Andractim OUT ya know, just to see what happens. Especially if results happen as quickly as 10 days. But £110 pounds? I'm an unemployed graduate!

I'm currently taking 55mg of Zinc before bed to see what effect that has.


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Talk to monty1978. He had a tube he wanted to sell, but I don't know if he has done it yet.