This study is the biggest black pill on minoxidil that you didn't want to know.
From our exhaustive study, topical minoxidil first accelerates transit through the exogen phase without otherwise affecting the duration of telogen and this early effect comes along with initiation of anagen. The influx is characterized by the rapid appearance of finer tips of fast‐growing fibres emerging from terminal follicles. These early events reflect at the scalp surface reactivation of pre‐existing resting‐dormant terminal hair follicles. Not all functional capacities are perfectly restored as reflected by the average slower growth rate in MPHL (untreated and treated) as compared with healthy controls. After combined drug regimen, that is oral finasteride with a once‐a‐day topical lotion, the effects induced by minoxidil rapidly vanish within the first month of interruption of the topical applications and may result in a hereto unreported rebound phenomenon with massive transition of the minoxidil‐induced follicles into telogen‐exogen.
From our exhaustive study, topical minoxidil first accelerates transit through the exogen phase without otherwise affecting the duration of telogen and this early effect comes along with initiation of anagen. The influx is characterized by the rapid appearance of finer tips of fast‐growing fibres emerging from terminal follicles. These early events reflect at the scalp surface reactivation of pre‐existing resting‐dormant terminal hair follicles. Not all functional capacities are perfectly restored as reflected by the average slower growth rate in MPHL (untreated and treated) as compared with healthy controls. After combined drug regimen, that is oral finasteride with a once‐a‐day topical lotion, the effects induced by minoxidil rapidly vanish within the first month of interruption of the topical applications and may result in a hereto unreported rebound phenomenon with massive transition of the minoxidil‐induced follicles into telogen‐exogen.