Effects of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate on your hair


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Here's what its known to do:

cause skin irritation, has ability to penetrate and impair the skin barrier,
damages and alters skin cells causes substantial roughness of skin,
enhances allergic response to other toxins and allergens, increases irritant reactions and susceptibility of seborrhea and eczema, has long-term retention in tissues (up to five days after a single drop) it is used as a lab standard for inducing contact dermatitis, actually corrodes the hair follicle and impairs its ability to grow hair, declines the hairgrowth cycle and prolongs the hair loss phases (norm 3 months) by a factor of eight

Has anyone stopped using SLS shampoos and have u noticed better hair?
I know that hairloss is due to dht but there are little factors out there that contribute.


New Member
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Well, nothing for nothing, but the famous "Nizoral Shampoo" has your Sodium Laureyl Sulfates as one of it's ingredients.



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Those effects are only noticeable if exascerbated by being susceptible to em. Don't worry. It won't hurt you.
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These shampoos do not sit on your head long enough to cause such effects. If you were to apply Nizoral to your scalp and do not rinse off daily and you do this over a long enough period of time (e.g. 3 months), then you might see some effects.

F.Y.I. SLS also causes acne, but you'd need to apply it to your face daily for a few months to see this (if you're acne-prone).