EFT therapy


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I recently stumbled across this type of therapy in trying to deal with my BDD, anxiety and stress. EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. Basically it relies on tapping certain trigger points of the body to release negative energy. Its acupuncture without needles. Of course some of you are going to think that this is some crazy hoax but I have tried it today and it actually helps. You need to have an open mind about this therapy or it will never do anything for you. I used my constant focus on my hair as one of my negative thoughts and after doing the technique in cycles for about 5 minutes I noticed my focus had lessened. Its almost as if the negative thoughts have been blocked out. I am not saying I am cured in any means. But at this very moment, I really don't care much about how my hair looks. Could be a placebo effect but then again placebo effects could actually have a positive effect and be a good thing. I am not going to say its a cure for anything but it did do something positive to me. I would rather try this type of therapy than take some medication that chemically alters my mind with side effects. It did relieve some feeling of anxiety and stress. You can google the subject if you want to know more about it. Go to tapping.com and there is a video that will teach you how to do it. I would be curious to know if you try it, how you feel after you do it. Please post your comments under this thread. I would be interested in feedback from people like Oknow, Uncomfortable Man, and anyone else with BDD.


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good for you man!

It takes a true man to recognize his problems and start conquering them. Far too many people just mope and complain about them.

Seriously...very happy for you.


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Thanks Cassin, as always your positive encouragement is extremely appreciated. Its always refreshing to know there are such great people like you in this "crazy" world.


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Hey, I also suffer from BDD and tried EFT from a therapist back in 2007. I don't think it was that effective. The best therapy for BDD or OCD seems to be CBT and you should look into it. I'm trying to find a therapist that can do it in my area right now after my BDD got really bad recently with the fear of losing my hair. This and some anti depressants seem to be really effective. Good luck! Don't let these obsessive thoughts ruin your life!


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did it (EFT) with a psychologist a few years back when I was off the skids. Made me :sobbing: , apart from that didn't do much.Ha. Only did it for one or two sessions though. By that time I thought it was time to give psychology the flick and look elsewhere.

what is BDD?


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I actually tried this a few years ago. I believe it's like a lot of alternative therapies: well-intentioned, but ultimately of fairly limited value.

The technique works by channeling you into a relaxed state. By the end of the session, you consequently feel like something has been lifted, or that something has changed. It takes a step of suggestion to believe that this change in feeling represents some permanent release of emotional attachment, rather than simply the relaxed state you're in. Lie on your back and breathe slowly for 30 minutes and you'll probably feel the same way.

Still, I guess if you feel that it does some good, there's no harm in it. It's certainly not a bad relaxation therapy.


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Re: EFT therapy - yes it works

I tried EFT for agoraphobia which I'd had for 12 years and was cured in 2 one hour sessions on the phone. That was with one of the top people using it - so for people who tried it and it didn't work - it can often be the expertise of the therapist that makes all the difference. After the agoraphobia was dealt with I worked with a different guy for several months (the first person was VERY expensive) and didn't really get anywhere - and recently I worked with another person 2 hours (I just found I have cancer and have a lot of anxiety and fear about that) and have seen huge changes and benefits. It really does matter who does the work with you - some therapists are really good, some just aren't as effective!

I know it can work really well for BDD and OCD as well as anxiety and depressrion and specific issues like infertility, grief etc. I just wanted to post on this as I notice a few folk have tried and not had any success and just wanted to balance out so people at least give it a try.

There is a variant of EFT called Matrix Reprogramming and I'm working with a therapist who uses this as I find it's more effective. If you have a lot of issues (and something like BDD may have several childhood issues beneath it) it may take more than a couple of sessions to clear it all... but it's worth persisting and you may be one of the lucky people for whom it works in 2 or 3 sessions.

Oh - I used a powder called Dermmatch when I had severe hair loss due to stress and it really filled in the spaces and made my hair look normal again.

Good luck


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Try hakalau.................................................... :whistle:


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Sounds like a load of old bollocks. I'd take 30g of magic mushrooms instead and lock yourself in a room with some good tunes. :whistle:

Nah, it may help you house, you won't know until you try it I guess.