Ell Cranell Please Help Me..!


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Please help me..

My hair loss frontall area.

I use rogaine , propecia , biotin..

But my friends say to me you should use Ell Cranell..

Im male..

Side effect ? and where can I buy


Established Member
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eBay...they sell it by the bucketload

Ell Cranell is good stuff, in my opinion.


Established Member
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Ell Crannel gave me a blinding headache after a few weeks of use that didn't go away until I stopped for a few days. I personally believe it alters your hormones systemically as a guy.


Established Member
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Didn't do that for me, in fact i always felt good on it (as opposed to flutamide, and spironolactone topically), and it helped me maintain i think - i'd still use it if it weren't for cost-cutting i'm having to do.


Senior Member
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What your thoughts on topical spironolactone Troy? any good, or only useful in combination with other products?


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My friends used it and 1 month later hair loss stopped..

They use Rogaine and Ell Cranell & Finasteride.


Established Member
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Can anyone confirm this? I thought El Cranell (17a estradiol) converts testosterone into estrogen?

Hoffmann R, Niiyama S, Huth A, Kissling S, Happle R. 17agr-estradiol induces aromatase activity in intact human anagen hair follicles ex vivo.

>Exp Dermatol 2002: 11: 376–380. © Blackwell Munksgaard, 2002 Abstract:

For topical treatment of androgenetic alopecia (Androgenetic Alopecia) in women, solutions containing either estradiol benzoate, estradiol valerate, 17bgr- or 17agr-estradiol are commercially available in Europe and some studies show an increased anagen and decreased telogen rate after treatment as compared with placebo. At present it is not precisely known how estrogens mediate their beneficial effect on Androgenetic Alopecia-affected hair follicles. We have shown recently that 17agr-estradiol is able to diminish the amount of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) formed by human hair follicles after incubation with testosterone, while increasing the concentration of weaker steroids such as estrogens. Because aromatase is involved in the conversion of testosterone to estrogens and because there is some clinical evidence that aromatase activity may be involved in the pathogenesis of Androgenetic Alopecia, we addressed the question whether aromatase is expressed in human hair follicles and whether 17agr-estradiol is able to modify the aromatase activity. Herewith we were able to demonstrate that intact, microdissected hair follicles from female donors express considerably more aromatase activity than hair follicles from male donors. Using immunohistochemistry, we detected the aromatase mainly in the epithelial parts of the hair follicle and not in the dermal papilla. Furthermore, we show that in comparison to the controls, we noticed in 17agr-estradiol-incubated (1 nM) female hair follicles a concentration- and time-dependent increase of aromatase activity (at 24 h: 1 nM = +18%, 100 nM = +25%, 1 µM = +57%; 24 h: 1 nM = +18%, 48 h: 1 nM = +25%).

In conclusion, our ex vivo experiments suggest that under the influence of 17agr-estradiol an increased conversion of testosterone to 17bgr-estradiol and androstendione to estrone takes place, which might explain the beneficial effects of estrogen treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia.

Would this cause side effects? O_O

Edit: Oh, this was used topically... Of course. But I still wonder about any potential systemic effects.