Embarrassing Bodies: Huge scalp strip sewn on!


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On Uk telly is a program about doctors looking at patients with medical problems that they are too ashamed or worried to have their own GPs look at.

This week was a girl who had been to Thailand for beauty treatmnet including buttock implants which had burst so she had to have them removed in huge gruesome operation. Implants looked liek th eordinary breast implants so maybe they aren't strong enough to take rthe weight of a sudden sit down?

She had also asked for hair transplant to cover the receding hairline so the Thai surgeon had taken a full width strip from back of head and stitched it complete onto the front! It looked awful as there was a big scar and puckering across her forehead.
And taking from back to put at front didn't make much difference to the receding.

So the program makers sent her to a UK clinic and she had FUE of about 3000 which gave a super coverage and hairline.

UK clinics seems to charge £5 per follicle so this was seriously expensive and seriously profitable for the clinic.


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Do you have a link to this program online?