Embrace Your Baldness In Five Steps


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"1. Assess the fallout damage.

Be a detective, like Kojak, and know what hair loss clues to look for and what they mean.

2. Accept that your hair has to go.

Denial: "That must be some other dude in the mirror. He doesn't look like me. I'm younger."
Anger: "Why is this happening to me, a nice guy? That dick Jake in accounting still has a full mane."
Bargaining: "Please God, just let me keep my hair. I promise never to cheat on my girlfriend again."
Depression: "Life as I know it has ended. Game over, man. I'll never get laid again."
Acceptance: "Could be worse. I still have two arms and two legs, and that most important appendage."

3. Don't cover up balding hair.

Do you really want a girl running her hands through your "hair," only to discover it isn't your hair? Talk about a libido killer.

4. Shave your head.

Be like Michael Jordan: It's time to play ball, so just do it. Prepare yourself for the looks of amazement you'll get from your girlfriend, family and friends.

5. Maintain proper upkeep.

From here on in, treat your head like your face. Just think of all the money you'll save on haircuts and shampoo."

Full article: http://uk.askmen.com/fashion/fashiontip ... dvice.html


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Prepare yourself for the looks of amazement you'll get from your girlfriend, family and friends.

Looks of amazement indeed. That's the bit that worries me. The "Why have you done that to your hair? It's horrible" that I'll have to live with for the rest of my days.

somone uk

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baldness is sh*t we should be embracing good things,
to me the concept of embracing baldness is like embracing cancer


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somone uk said:
baldness is sh*t we should be embracing good things,
to me the concept of embracing baldness is like embracing cancer

I agree, except baldness is worse. (this was proven in other threads)

uncomfortable man

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There's coping with it, there's accepting it, there's tolerating it, there's learning to live with it, but embracing it as in liking the way it looks and liking having to shave your head every other day to keep yourself from looking like bozo the clown, when the alternative is not much better is unlikely. Anyone who enjoys being an nw6 has had to condition their mind very hard to get to that point of strong denial. You would almost need a certain internet support group to help you embrace this aesthetic atrocity, the name of which I will not mention.

uncomfortable man

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Didn't you say yourself 2cool that you will consider a wig when and if you reach my level of baldness? That doesn't sound too embracing.


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Embrace your warts.

First, assess how many warts you have. Then, deal with the anger and depression you have about having them.

Next, take a swab of your warts and implant it under the skin all over your face. Make sure it gets in there properly, and wait for warts to grow all over your head.

Your family and friends will be shocked. Prepare yourself for this.

Then embrace your wart-covered face and rock it out into the world with confidence. Just think of all the money you'll save on not having to buy skin products any more!


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uncomfortable man said:
Didn't you say yourself 2cool that you will consider a wig when and if you reach my level of baldness? That doesn't sound too embracing.

I'm not sure it's possible to embrace baldness, but there's making the best out of a bad situation and accepting it. For now I have the shaved look, but I would like to try a wig just to see what it looks like. It would be fun to see if there is a real difference in how people treat me with hair.

I wouldn't wear it everyday; probably just on nights out or whenever I feel like having hair. I'd like wig-wearing to become just as acceptable as head-shaving. It would basically be treated as a hat made out of hair. I'm sure some people would find that weird, but I'd prefer that to worrying about being detected all the time and spending hours in front of the mirror.

I actually tried Toppik last year because there was a £5 offer on. It was nice seeing myself with thick hair again, but I knew I'd never use it. The maintenance would've been too much of a hassle and it didn't feel right sprinkling powder on my head.

The wig will probably be a one-time thing as well, but I want to see what it looks like and feels like.


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uncomfortable man said:
There's coping with it, there's accepting it, there's tolerating it, there's learning to live with it, but embracing it as in liking the way it looks and liking having to shave your head every other day to keep yourself from looking like bozo the clown, when the alternative is not much better is unlikely. Anyone who enjoys being an nw6 has had to condition their mind very hard to get to that point of strong denial. You would almost need a certain internet support group to help you embrace this aesthetic atrocity, the name of which I will not mention.

isn't it ironic that the people on that site with their "aesthetic atrocities" are at least somewhat happy and satisfied with life, even the ones who do no favours at all to the head-shave look....But then on this site you can have a man who despite being at a perfectly acceptable age to be bald, (and despite pulling off the looj 10 times better than most people on that site) whines and complains like a little b**ch and continually looks for pity on how sad and maligned his life is now because hes bald and random people who hes never met may be "gawking at him" for being bald? So whats the deal with those sly guys? They're totally deluding themselves I guess! But the 35 year old unemployed, miserable, bitter man (with a history of psychological problems including clear body dysmorphic disorder) who is convinced hes importantly "abnormal" enough for random people to literally stop and laugh at on the street is totally with it, right? Hes in tune to whats REALLY going on right? Those other guys are totally deluding themselves...thank God we have someone like U-man who knows whats really up!

Seriously...its just sad, especially when posters are like "yeah...I know how tough its been for U-man" or sh*t like that. Its nonsense! You no longer deserve sympathy...the only reason people give it to you is because you seek it for validation and because you've created this false story in your mind about your baldness has completely ruined your life. It just boggles my mind how many other normal, attractive bald guys there are out there living their life, and then theres ONE case of a man with an irrational complex about being bald and people feel so bad for him. Slybaldguys may be a little over the top but their ultimate message is infinitely more productive than the sh*t you'll read here...and when comparing one of their regular posters to someone like U-man over here, lets consider who the deluded one really is.

somone uk

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you should treat baldness is like religion, don't get it out in public and don't shove it down your kid's throat


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somone uk said:
baldness is like religion, don't get it out in public and don't shove it down your kid's throat

I'd say religion is pretty much the opposite of what you just described.

somone uk

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barcafan said:
somone uk said:
baldness is like religion, don't get it out in public and don't shove it down your kid's throat

I'd say religion is pretty much the opposite of what you just described.
whoops, corrected it :p