Empty spot in hair transplant??


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Don’t you think that hair should have been implanted in the red spot? If you look at the left side the surgeon implanted following his line of design, but on the right side he left that empty spot.

Don’t you think that’s weird? Maybe a wrong grafts estimation?



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I can only guess but they should have added some there and may have ran out unless you authorized more grafts, or they ran out of time. But it looks good what they did do.


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I can only guess but they should have added some there and may have ran out unless you authorized more grafts, or they ran out of time. But it looks good what they did do.

Sorry but I did not completely understand your answer. Do you mean that he should have filled the spot or not? He did not ask me for more grafts, we just formally agreed 3000 grafts previous to the operation, he should have asked for more in this situation?


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its fine.... wont make any difference.


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Looking at the picture again I wouldn't call it all an empty spot, i think it will not matter. The bottom 2/3 has hair so if there is a spot it is much smaller than you outlined. I also have one about that size so it happens.


New Member
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its fine.... wont make any difference.

Looking at the picture again I wouldn't call it all an empty spot, i think it will not matter. The bottom 2/3 has hair so if there is a spot it is much smaller than you outlined. I also have one about that size so it happens.

Thanks for your answers.

I just want to point out one detail in case you didn’t realize about it. The blue design lines I marked on the right picture are based on the REAL design lines that the surgeon draw on my head, you still can see them, quite dim, on the left picture… so… my concern is about the fact that he followed accurately those lines all through the process except on that red space, which leads me to believe that it is a mistake, from either a wrong time calculation or a wrong graft estimation.

I talked with my surgeon about this issue. At first his answer was that he did not implant on the red spot because he used his latest grafts on the scar (I had a scar on my nape that I wanted to cover), so he did not have enough grafts left, but of course, this explanation would imply to acknowledge his mistake… so a few minutes later he changed his argument. He began to say that he didn’t implant there because he didn’t see it necessary…

In my opinion his change of argument does not give him too much credibility. But apart from his explanations, what is objectively undeniable is what I said at the beggining, he DID FOLLOW his design in EVERY place except on that spot… so it looks like quite suspicious to me and I don’t what to think or do.


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If you blow the picture up the red area has enough follicles it won't matter. You cannot expect perfection, I would be happy with the results.


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There's definitely some hairless spots in the red zone which could have been grafted. The explanation of the doctor is not a contradiction - there's a limited amount of time and grafts in every session, and he decided that other areas were more imoprtant (that's both of his reasons).

You're probably going to want additional surgery anyway... almost nobody is satisfied after one surgery, most guys need to keep going until they run out of donor hair or money, whichever comes first. So it's possible to address this area during the next surgery.


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The main thing you have to understand about hair transplant surgery is that most doctors don't care. So what if they missed a spot. So what if it will be noticeable. That's your problem and doesn't affect them. You don't like it? No problem. Come back for another go in a year after out prices have gone up another $1 or $2 per graft.

One thing I noticed about hair transplant is that if you are dissatisfied about something post op, you will be dissatisfied with it when the hair grows out. In your case the wind or swimming may expose the bare spot. The hair transplant doctors will always tell you to "wait until it grows out" rather than admit they messed up.