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I realize there has been intermittent discussions coming and going here about emu oil and it's questionable merits or benefits pertaining to skin and hair health. Because I have yet to find for myself a helpful treatment( aside from keto 2%) to minimize my skin/scalp issue (seb. derm.) I am interested in gathering feedback from emu users who are willing to objectively share their pos/neg experience. Please for the collective integrity of this forum, keep all product sensationalism to a BARE minimum. Personal testimonials are ok, before and after pics attached are better, HONEST EXCHANGE IS BEST. Thanks everyone for their sincere interest and generous input.


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I appreciate that Fred. It is EXPENSIVE and greasy. I understand "a little amount can go a long way". Can you recall the brand you opted? I have no expectations on the part of it combatting my hair loss. My focus is aiming to control/alleviate my seborrhea.

Armando Jose

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A lot of properties, not only for skin, permeability, mucoss ....

Emu oil is a potentially useful agent that significantly improves itching, erythema and scales associated with SD; however, it was less effective than hydrocortisone and clotrimazole which are routinely prescribed to treat SD.
J Res Med Sci. 2013 Jun;18(6):477-81.
[h=1]Comparing the efficacy of Emu oil with clotrimazole and hydrocortisone in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis: A clinical trial.[/h]



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Very helpful abstract. Do we know which concentration strengths of aforesaid treatments from study will work best?

A lot of properties, not only for skin, permeability, mucoss ....

Emu oil is a potentially useful agent that significantly improves itching, erythema and scales associated with SD; however, it was less effective than hydrocortisone and clotrimazole which are routinely prescribed to treat SD.
J Res Med Sci. 2013 Jun;18(6):477-81.
Comparing the efficacy of Emu oil with clotrimazole and hydrocortisone in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis: A clinical trial.



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Thanks again Armando. So thus in summary comparing the studies of 3 different groups we have( "primary focus ") Group study 1 administered topically 20% pure emu oil. Group study 2 administered 1% topical hydrocortisone and Group study 3 administered topical clotrimizole 1%. Findings from full study reveal that Emu albeit effective is least effective of the 3 treatments tested. All good news of course. I'm somewhat surprised how effective hydrocortisone is in particular for treating Seb. Derm. only because I have already experimented and never observed any improvement. All and and all I am encouraged nonetheless insofar that these alternative treatments are readily accessible and affordable. Next I will delve into the listed side effects of each and also whether any lose their efficacy after an average duration of use. I can't also help be curious if emu (20%) is the "maximum consumer grade" concentration that exist or is a higher strength available and if so would it be more effective? Thanks again to our esteemed caballero, Don Armando


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It makes my face sting a bit and I got two small acne pimples, can't say much about it.


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So no remarkable or subtle difference in skin quality? How long were/are you using it and were/are you applying it strictly for it's supposed emulsifying/hydrating properties? Thanks for sharing.

- - - Updated - - -

This week I'll shop around for "high quality" emu oil and give it a go myself. In the meantime any emu users (past or present) with M.P.B. as well as seb. derm.who care to continue to contribute their pos/neg comments here on this subject, have my gratitude.


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I realize there has been intermittent discussions coming and going here about emu oil and it's questionable merits or benefits pertaining to skin and hair health. Because I have yet to find for myself a helpful treatment( aside from keto 2%) to minimize my skin/scalp issue (seb. derm.) I am interested in gathering feedback from emu users who are willing to objectively share their pos/neg experience. Please for the collective integrity of this forum, keep all product sensationalism to a BARE minimum. Personal testimonials are ok, before and after pics attached are better, HONEST EXCHANGE IS BEST. Thanks everyone for their sincere interest and generous input.

I'm taking oral 100% emu oil and putting it on my temples twice a week.


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How long have you been at it? Did it's reputation as an topical anti-inflammatory prompted you to try it or was it something else?


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I know it's crazy expensive any way you look at it. I would defend the cost if there were more solid studies as well as convincing testimonies behind it. Knowing that's not the case, I will try it conservatively and consistently for 4-6 months in conjunction with my evening minoxidil schedule and observe any changes in my persistent skin (itch, dryness and scaling) hair quality.


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I know it's crazy expensive any way you look at it. I would defend the cost if there were more solid studies as well as convincing testimonies behind it. Knowing that's not the case, I will try it conservatively and consistently for 4-6 months in conjunction with my evening minoxidil schedule and observe any changes in my persistent skin (itch, dryness and scaling) hair quality.

I use emu for a couple of things...

I have terribly dry, cracked and bleeding knuckles in the cold winter months. A 1/1/1 combo of emu/castor/coconut oil mix is the only thing that I have tried that takes care of it - and I've tried pretty much everything over the years.

I've only dabbled with using it on the scalp, but I've found this to be the case for me with the 1/1/1 combo: scruff clean skin mildly with a brush or a 50 cent scalp massager you can find on any drug store shelf. I don't absorb things too well transdermally and this seems to help. Less is more, dip your finger tips in a little oil and apply modestly. You don't need an occlusive film all over the top of your head clogging up pores. Use a combo like I do. I read a study(no clue where it is now) that concluded that emu effects were better when used in concert with other oils, as well as improving the other oils effects. I used it at night about an hour before bed and wiped any residue off my hair before sleep. In the morning I used a little mild shampoo to clean the rest off. I'm prone to breakouts and this resolved any scalp pimple issues. Added: And I massage it in for a couple of minutes, Armando posted a study about greater penetrating effects of substances (5 fold?) via massage.

Best carrier oil out there with benefits of it's own.
Yep, it's a ripoff...
As with most oils, it'll go rancid so store any that's not being using near term in the fridge.
It'll last a long time used in combo and w/o slathering it on.

All the best...


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Emu oil worked quite well for my inflamed scalp.

The thread isn't really about this but I've also been experimenting with dutasteride (switching from finasteride) for its 5ar1 inhibition properties for three weeks now and I've had excellent results on my seborrheic dermatitis so far.
I've had it for 12 years (since puberty) and I've tried every product available, prescription drugs, over the counter shampoos, natural remedies, and nothing has ever been really satisfying, but I don't have any dandruff right now. It had never happened before.
I'll create a thread about this in a few weeks if it continues to work.


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Thanks for the share Vlatch. Although I may not have clearly stated earlier that the initial impetus for my emu revisited thread was to find a potentially more effective treatment option for my Seb. Derm. anyway possible. Therefore your feedback is very useful. I am looking forward to following your imminent thread about your journey from finasteride. to dutasteride. All the best and in the future, please feel free to chime in here anytime.