Emu Oil?


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Hey guys,
I bought some pure triple refined emu oil to strengthen the hair up a bit and maybe fill in the temples with some peachfuzz. Anyone have any experience with emu oil?

How often should I apply it, once at night every night and wash it out in the morning?
And is it necessary to dilute this stuff? Or is it cool to leave the oil on your head all night?

Thanks fellas.


Established Member
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glad you made this topic

the search results dont allow emu oil to be searched because the words are too small

I use regular emu oil,
i saw slight lanugo growth, but nothing substantial

I still use it for my skin and experiemnt with it on my hair

I apply every night, sometimes in morning,

I dont know if it works, but im continuing with it


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I love emu oil. I use it only once week though, after applying minoxidil, as it helps increase absorption. It's also great for the scalp...you can leave it on all night, but it's very greasy.


Established Member
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Good stuff guys, thanks for the sources wooz. I am excited to try this stuff too, and worst case scenario if it doesn't do anything for the hair it can be used for a plethora of other things so your $40 will definitely not go to waste.


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So I got my emu oil couple days ago, applied to the hair line and some on my forehead and other parts of the face. Already I notice smoother and nicer looking skin, in fact its helped keep me oily skin less oily?

BUT, it seems it has reduced the velus hairline-hairs I applied it on??? is this possible? Is this is a shed, or did I fux myself?


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think the emu oil destroyed the little hairs I was hopping it would thicken up... is this a shed or what guys? U notice anything, wooz?