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- 70
News from Epibiotech formerly known as Stemore:
They have started a manufacturing facility and they are planning to start clinical trials this year but with how it is phrased it will probably be delayed. Still I think it's good news that they seem to be a step ahead of hairclone. Not sure how legit their technology is but I'm glad other companies believe in the approach too.
에피바이오텍, 탈모 세포치료제 임상용 GMP 시설 구축 - 머니투데이
탈모 신약을 개발 중인 주식회사 에피바이오텍(대표 성종혁)은 탈모 세포치료제 임상시료 생산 및 CMO 사업을 위해 세포치료제 생산센터를 송도 본사에 구축하여 연내 모유두 세포치료제 임상 진입을 위한 제조시설 준비가 완료됐다고 31일 밝혔다.이로써 에피바이오텍은 약 200여평 규모의 최신 GMP 시설을 갖추게 되며 연간 2,000여명 수준의 자가 모유두 세포...
They have started a manufacturing facility and they are planning to start clinical trials this year but with how it is phrased it will probably be delayed. Still I think it's good news that they seem to be a step ahead of hairclone. Not sure how legit their technology is but I'm glad other companies believe in the approach too.