Epigenetics...This is where the cure will come from!


Senior Member
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I've never heard of this before now. This is very interesting. This could put an end to a lot of health conditions, including allergies, another disease I'm suffering from.


Established Member
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I have posted about this many times, good to see you guys are opening your eyes.

Gentics are not written in stone, also your diet, sleep, lifestlye as a whole does indeed change how your DNA is expressed.

Eat right, sleep right, exercise right.


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Two shots of what? I'm already on steroids, but only nasal spray at the moment. I may need something for my lungs too, as I've allergic asthma. I'm considering doing cortison shots regularly, but I don't know if it's an alternative, since I've to use it year round, and then the side effects probably becomes an issue.


Senior Member
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Ah, yes. What are you treating, and how long have you been on treatment? In my country, they give you a shot once a month, or something like that, and they continue for several years. No guaranteed result, it costs a lot of money compared to conventional treatment, and it involves a risk of severe reactions, so they're reluctant to use it, and if they do, it's usually for pollen. I'm allergic to certain animals, and they're difficult to avoid, because other people spread the allergens.