Erectile dysfunction/impotence/nasty penile problems


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How long does it usually take for these kinda side effects to kick in if they're going to?


The more you think about it, the more likely it will happen to you. So do yourself a favor and stop worrying so much. You'll know if you experience side effects or not. And most of the side effects are mild and go away in time. I experienced "watery jizz". I had it up until about month 3.5 then it went back to normal consistency.


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I'm already experiencing watery jizz. And you can't say it's in my head, cuz when it goes from white to clear, you know it's turned watery...


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Yep same ...... is also watery. As long it doesn't destroys anything and it's revesibel I#m fine with it.


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I can live with watery jizz as long as I still have my boners!


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Deaner said:
I'm already experiencing watery jizz. And you can't say it's in my head, cuz when it goes from white to clear, you know it's turned watery...

Yes I can..... :)

It's in your head. You have taken what? Two pills? Yesterday you lost 30 something hairs in 1 hour after popping your first pill?

Man o man.....

You are gonna drive yourself insane if you don't calm down.

And yes, I believe you about watery jizz....solution?

Quit beating off so much.

EDIT:I am not slamming you here so don't get upset. Posters such as yourself come on here ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL the time. They panic and worry and damn near go through every single side of EVERRRRY thing they take within such a short amount of time. 99% of the time it's in their head since they are looking for them. Very soon they calm down and say nothing is wrong. This happens all the time.


Seriously Deaner, DO NOT worry yourself too much. Like Cassin said, there has been a bunch of worry warts. I remember one guy took finasteride for 8 days and quit because he was experiencing major side effects. That is bullshit, you won't experience major side effacts at day 8. This guy was totally tripping out from even before he started finasteride. Many people experience side effects because it is all in their f*****g head. Did you know that most erectile dysfuntion is not a phyisiological dysfuntion, but rather it is mental caused by performance anxiety? So of the 30million men that have sexual dysfuntion at one time or anothe, many of them are experiencing it because of their minds. Last piece of advice, as Cassin once said, "Just grit your teeth, pop that little beauty and say "f*** you mother nature you dirty dirty wh***".


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Thanks guys :) Yea, I'm over worrying about it, and now I'm just kinda sitting back and waiting for the finasteride to do it's thing. I'm really really optimistic about it too, because I still have quite a bit of hair in the first place. I can't wait for month 3, month 6, etc, etc. So for now, I'll just sit back and let "nature" run its course.


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There you go Deaner! Now your on track.

HAH! Glad you like what I wrote badasshairday. It's true though, it's pretty much what were all doing here, flipping off mother nature. Matgallis even put that in his signature.