Erections Coming Back (7 Months Post finasteride) + Mindset


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Hi all,

Just wanted to share a bit of my own story to some of you that are dealing with (post) finasteride side effects.

Starting with finasteride:
- Started with 1.25 mg finasteride ED during november 2015 (age 24).
- First 2 weeks: HUGE increase in libido
- After 2,5 week: Remember waking up with a very rubber-like feeling penis whereas I used to have morning wood every single day since I could remember. Masturbated and noticed almost no sperm coming out. Knew about finasteride sided but never really looked into it.
- Erections got worse over the next few days and got very bad anxiety and brain fog. Even went to the hospital one day during work because I simply could not think anymore. I remember standing in front of the hospital reception, almost unable to speak a full sentence. I asked the dr. if this could be due to finasteride and he said no.
- Did some research myself and decided to lower my dosage (0.67 eod).
-I really noticed a change in personality, I got emotional, weak, needy and sometimes really felt like a insecure little girl. It completely changed my relationship with my (then) girlfriend.
- I started working out harcore and felt a bit better. Erections still felt weak and no more morning wood. Before finasteride I really was looking forward to the next year because I was about to move to a new city for a while and really felt excited to go on a new adventure. At this point (one month on finasteride) I all of a sudden had doubts about all this and thought that it maybe would be better to settle down with my girl...
- Got depressed. This was not all due to finasteride (also because I at that time had no job and too much free time but the side effects definitely made it worse. I was with my girlfriend for 2,5 years at that point and that whole period of us being together, she was the one that 'chased' me. I noticed that in the last 2 months that dynamic had completely changed.
- 3 months on finasteride: my girlfriend wanted a break because she lost feelings. My emotions were all over the place and I pushed her away for good.


- 4 Months on finasteride: I had to move to the new city and I hated it. I had just lost a girl that was an absolute 10 (looks and personality) and now I was alone... a 25 year old guy with ED and thinning hair (note: for the last 10 years I had long curly hair which had always been my #1 defining feauture when it came to attracting girls so go figure...). This continued till june and I had enough of it. I decided to quit finasteride and start working on myself. After 8 months I threw away the remainer of the pills

- I expected that my erections would be back in a few weeks. I waited... 2 weeks: nope, 4 weeks: nope... Worries started to kick in... I must say that I did not experience the infamous pfs crash.
- July 2016: I decided to start using supplements: DIM, arginine, ZMA. Things got a bit better but not close to how it once was. Started being sexually active again but lost erections during sex and even faked an orgasm...
- August: By working on myself and investing in myself I became a stronger person. I had better emotional self-control, became wiser, more social, more confident and actually felt pretty happy.
- August-november: Not much to say here, continued to feel better and started living healthier (less alcohol, more fruit and veggies). Erections seemed slightly better, maybe at 80% of what they were pre-finasteride. I actually started to learn acceptance of my situation. Hair started to shed as well during this period but here I was: losing my precious hair and having ED and I still felt better and stronger than I could remember!
- December: Still not over my ex and found out she was dating someone else... Fucked with my mind for 2 weeks and almost could not eat during that time... Erections got worse...

- January: Decided to remove my ex completely from my life (still had been in contact with her till that time). Started working out really hardcore, upped my fruit-vegie game even more and started meditating. From one day till the other I noticed that I had a rock-hard erection during masturbating... This was the hardest erection I had in over a year. Even after my orgasm it stayed quite hard for minutes. Still no complete morning wood but I have an occasional spontaneous erection during the day and I can get it up again without touching it. I also noticed that when waking up in the middle of the night I had an erection (a very weak one but still, it was an improvement for me!) Just finished another masturbation session and my penis seems to back at 95%! Even after 3 glasses of wine!

A lot of things happened this year so it is hard to determine what really helped me that most when it came to my ED. I can however tell you what helped me most in getting my quality of life back, and even higher than ever before:

- Improve yourself... Become happy with you. Become happy with your awesome traits (yes everyone has them) and accept your bad traits...
- Work out, work out hard, be aggresive in the gym and don't be ashamed to look at your gains in the mirror.
- Don't get attached to external things... Don't get attached to your hair, don't get attached to potential 'cures' and do not get too attached to other people... Attachment leads to suffering!
- Take care of your body: Buy a blender and make fruit-veggie smoothies everyday. I promise you, you will feel better!
- Buy an arginine-citruline supplement, this helped me the most of all supplements.
- Stop watching p**rn.
- The most important relationship in your entire life is the one with yourself. Stop being so negative about yourself, the more negative you are, the more you will attract things that will confirm that negative view... Yes a NW1 can attract more girls than a NW4. But this difference is way smaller with a NW4 that doesn't give a f***

Sorry for the bad English and lack of structure, I am a bit drunk at the moment. I celebrated being me today:).

PS: the ex all of a suden started reaching out again. Don't care so much anymore, just thought it was funny.

Good night brothers.


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glad your got yourself out of that finasteride mess. its not nice is it.

reading what your wrote, it seems you got there with a healthy lifestyle and positive thinking. which is exactly the protocol the guys over on swolesource are using. the cd nuts protocol, have you heard of it? so it looks like there is a way out of pfs. just takes a bit time and effort to get there.

do you plan to use any other hair loss treatments? any of the experimental stuff like ru or seti? or are you just gonna accept baldness now?


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glad your got yourself out of that finasteride mess. its not nice is it.

reading what your wrote, it seems you got there with a healthy lifestyle and positive thinking. which is exactly the protocol the guys over on swolesource are using. the cd nuts protocol, have you heard of it? so it looks like there is a way out of pfs. just takes a bit time and effort to get there.

do you plan to use any other hair loss treatments? any of the experimental stuff like ru or seti? or are you just gonna accept baldness now?

Yes I heard about it... Don't remember exactly what was the entire protocol though. I think I am going to start with ru soon. But with any signs of sides I will stop immediately. Then there is also still minoxidil of course...


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Yes I heard about it... Don't remember exactly what was the entire protocol though. I think I am going to start with ru soon. But with any signs of sides I will stop immediately. Then there is also still minoxidil of course...

so how far would you say you have recovered by now? 80, 90%?

and just out of interest, aside from the smoothies you make, what sort of diet do you have now?

im going to be making smoothies soon myself, can you give some examples of the ones you make?


ahmed wolf

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glad u recoverd really and sorry for what happened with ur gf
u took finasteride for 8 months with sides?
i took it for 3 days but still dont feel myself like i used to I thought i was 90% recoverd but now i dont fell I recoverd at all i get morning ererctions some times strong some times soft no spontaneous ererctions since I took don't feel the relief after taking a piss i am loosing my mind really last theory i came up with it is maybe some of the dust after cutting finasteride went in my system after stopping? is that even possible?
my doctor saying its psychologic considering my total test and dht are high like my basline


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Finasteride sides are f*****g BRUTAL if you get hit hard.

The worst is the mental sides, feeling detached from your body..

RU 58841 and minoxidil 15 percent. Finasteride never again.


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glad u recoverd really and sorry for what happened with ur gf
u took finasteride for 8 months with sides?
i took it for 3 days but still dont feel myself like i used to I thought i was 90% recoverd but now i dont fell I recoverd at all i get morning ererctions some times strong some times soft no spontaneous ererctions since I took don't feel the relief after taking a piss i am loosing my mind really last theory i came up with it is maybe some of the dust after cutting finasteride went in my system after stopping? is that even possible?
my doctor saying its psychologic considering my total test and dht are high like my basline

Are your orgasms less pleasureable since stopping finasteride?


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Finasteride sides are f*****g BRUTAL if you get hit hard.

The worst is the mental sides, feeling detached from your body..

RU 58841 and minoxidil 15 percent. Finasteride never again.

you getting no sides from ru mate?

g.i joey

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glad u recoverd really and sorry for what happened with ur gf
u took finasteride for 8 months with sides?
i took it for 3 days but still dont feel myself like i used to I thought i was 90% recoverd but now i dont fell I recoverd at all i get morning ererctions some times strong some times soft no spontaneous ererctions since I took don't feel the relief after taking a piss i am loosing my mind really last theory i came up with it is maybe some of the dust after cutting finasteride went in my system after stopping? is that even possible?
my doctor saying its psychologic considering my total test and dht are high like my basline

Op, your post was very genuine and I don't discount the fact that you did severely suffer from sides.

But Ahmed wolf is the biggest hypochondriac of all time


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thats y I shouldn't have use it in the first place :(

People often say that finasteride sides are just due to placebo effects.

However, we virtually never hear of anybody getting these sides from minoxidil.

ahmed wolf

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People often say that finasteride sides are just due to placebo effects.

However, we virtually never hear of anybody getting these sides from minoxidil.
yes and no if u Google minoxidil sexual sides u will find ppl saying the got sids from it but like u said we didn't hear about placebo effects ftom minoxidil
what's my problem man for real is it psychologic its really effecting me i don't laugh I don't want to talk to any one doing all kinds of hormones test every week stopped masterbating since i got the pain from my last post
i met a good looking girl she flirted with me but I didn't got an ererction other girl wanted to have cam sex and was sending nuds but I didn't feel a thing cuz i am afraid of the unknown its been 9 weeks now
i didnt feel like this even when my total testastrone was 0.1 after my last cycle back in 2014 when the esters have cleared I took a blood test and my level were this low but i was still feeling horny and overall happy felt like crying girl in my pct but thats it my total t recoverd after that till today do i dont know whats my problem
what do u advice me to do


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so how far would you say you have recovered by now? 80, 90%?

and just out of interest, aside from the smoothies you make, what sort of diet do you have now?

im going to be making smoothies soon myself, can you give some examples of the ones you make?


Other than that I try to lower my dairy intake and I eat less meat.

Just throw in some spinach, kale, bananas, mango, brocoli, berries (I use 3 different ingredients at a time) and you will always be fine:).

I also throw in some protein powder.


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finasteride without test blood done before prescribing - should be banned.


I dont belive you, that you had ed from finasteride.


I dont belive also, in facts like someone took finasteride for 3 days and it made him impotent. Just take some random leaflets of drugs and read the "possible" side effects. which may occur, but they dont need. Paracetamolum can even kill you after one pill, but people still taking it without even knowing a side effects.

I had Erectile disfunction at 18. I managed to rescue myself to 10/10 rate. 80% of pfsers which talking about "finasteride side effects" still dont know what lack of libido is( because mostly they think its Erectile disfunction ALSO), and they are telling themselves that they feel loss of libido and it means erectile disfunction for them cause they dont know what is lowered sex drive. Dumbs! Lowered sex drive it not means you have f*****g Erectile disfunction!!! .But Yes, you will additionaly gain a erectile disfunction - In your f*****g brain.


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finasteride without test blood done before prescribing - should be banned.


I dont belive you, that you had ed from finasteride.


I dont belive also, in facts like someone took finasteride for 3 days and it made him impotent. Just take some random leaflets of drugs and read the "possible" side effects. which may occur, but they dont need. Paracetamolum can even kill you after one pill, but people still taking it without even knowing a side effects.

I had Erectile disfunction at 18. I managed to rescue myself to 10/10 rate. 80% of pfsers which talking about "finasteride side effects" still dont know what lack of libido is( because mostly they think its Erectile disfunction ALSO), and they are telling themselves that they feel loss of libido and it means erectile disfunction for them cause they dont know what is lowered sex drive. Dumbs! Lowered sex drive it not means you have f*****g Erectile disfunction!!! .But Yes, you will additionaly gain a erectile disfunction - In your f*****g brain.

These side effects only show up on finasteride.

ahmed wolf

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finasteride without test blood done before prescribing - should be banned.


I dont belive you, that you had ed from finasteride.


I dont belive also, in facts like someone took finasteride for 3 days and it made him impotent. Just take some random leaflets of drugs and read the "possible" side effects. which may occur, but they dont need. Paracetamolum can even kill you after one pill, but people still taking it without even knowing a side effects.

I had Erectile disfunction at 18. I managed to rescue myself to 10/10 rate. 80% of pfsers which talking about "finasteride side effects" still dont know what lack of libido is( because mostly they think its Erectile disfunction ALSO), and they are telling themselves that they feel loss of libido and it means erectile disfunction for them cause they dont know what is lowered sex drive. Dumbs! Lowered sex drive it not means you have f*****g Erectile disfunction!!! .But Yes, you will additionaly gain a erectile disfunction - In your f*****g brain.
oh so my brain makes me feel i have ED ?
if finasteride works for u that doesn't mean it will work for everyone i took it for 3 days got side still have them after 9 weeks still got ED before u blame p**rn or fapping since I turned 20 i only masterbate once a day or every 2 days so don't blame that my sides are getting worse now i have inner penis pain after orgasem so its all my brain right ohh and don't let me start with no feelings when i piss or complete loss os spontaneous ererctions i bet its in my brain too
if i never took this sh*t i wont be writting here and listen to ur experience about finasteride didn't f*** u up and u don't believe anyone will get fucked by it get real plz
news flash i didn't know that finasteride cuz ED I only thought it cuz losse of libido and yet I woke the day after i took it with a rubber dick i bet my brain made me feel like that